Grandpa and Nana arrived.....they played with AA.
She had lots of fun tormenting them on the couch! Not a peaceful minute as she squealed with the attention.We had the table all set (yes, a cover over our pool table), wonderful family and friends over for "turkey" dinner and no group photos to prove it! We had a great time and are grateful for the time we spent together.
Handmade "turkey" by AA:
AA dressed and ready for company..... the only picture we took!
Limes from our tree, we love them in bowls and ask everyone to take a few when they leave!
Three of the four pies on display. DH made one too, but it stayed in the refrigerator.... Peanut Butter Chocolate pie! (chocolate crust and a rich chocolate gauche on top of the peanut butter, cream cheese and whipped cream filling)! Yummy!!
Looking forward to our Christmas Celebrations!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Recap of Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas Decorations
I know some of you are pros at decorating for Christmas. Last year, I decorated very little. Poor AA was still adjusting to us, learning English, so we didn't explain alot to her about Christmas. She helped decorate a small tree and did learn how to open presents very quickly!
Please share your Christmas pictures; may I copy or steal your ideas, thus flattering you?
Leave a comment and I will come visit! Enjoy your decorating and let's begin the "Merry Christmas" this season!
(click on the Angel to print out coloring pages for your little one)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Forgetful? Hint for All (Not Just Old People)
Have you tried this hint to help remember where you put items that you need to take out to your car?
After you get over the shock of the blog title, Lessons for Old People, you can learn something new! Of course, after reading a few of her posts, which she wrote for her Mom, I decided that the title was fine as I resemble it! And, I am sure I am older than her Mom, so what does that make me?
You have probably heard this before and it bears repeating. It seems to happen to us often. Either we save some food from a dinner for a guest to take home or we go to someone's home and they offer us some leftovers.
I also seem to forget to take leftovers to work that I have prepared for lunch. My solution was to write a big note and place it on my purse. And sometimes that doesn't help as the note gets moved.
We always have our car keys at one end of our kitchen counter so they can be found, so discovering them not there would certainly make us go looking for where they are. In the case of this hint, I would look in the refrigerator to find my work lunch. I like this tip.
Check out Katherine's blog and her introduction to herself. She won me over after I read all her posts about Twitter and then I read her post on chopstick etiquette! Yep, she knows it all!You won't forget items stored in a friend's fridge if you toss your keys in as well
BRILLIANT. From Shivani:
When my sister and I were younger, sometimes my parents would have to store items in the fridge at someone's house when we went to visit (such as medicines or milk). To keep from forgetting these items when they left, my dad would leave his keys in the fridge next to the item. That way, wouldn't forget the items in the fridge as he needed his keys to drive home. You probably could do the same at work or school to make sure you don't leave leftovers overnight in the fridge.
If you expand her right side bar archive list, maybe you will find a topic that interests you. If not, give her a shout; I bet she can help you out!
Note: Katherine gave credit for this tip to Parent Hack. Read all the comments to gain more useful ways not to forget, even not to forget the baby!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Playing at the Park
We were driving through the Fairfax neighborhood of Jacksonville again so stopped at this park. It is a lovely waterfront location, but as we reviewed before, it is made for "bigger" kids and has no restrooms.Where's Daddy?
Stretching and exercising the leg muscles! (with Mommy hanging on).
Still sunny and warm enough to play outside - wonderful time of year with lower temperatures and lower humidity!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
We wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
We are blessed with a wonderful family! Family living near will be celebrating with us on Friday, tomorrow. We moved our Thanksgiving to the day after so everyone could come.
See you soon!
Pictured above, The Road Less Traveled, is an original by Missouri artist Al Agnew. A favorite of DH's, both the picture and the artist, a signed print hangs above our fireplace.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
CAT - As in Caterpillar, Decatur, Illinois
AA received a CAT shirt from Auntie Mia and Uncle Mike last fall (posted a few days ago here). It was too big and still is, but is such a soft, warm shirt, we had it on in the house one recent cool morning. AA is making strides with her memory skills and verbal skills. Her conversations are getting clearer and clearer. She also loved making the Mickey Mouse puzzle over and over (and being goofy as we tried to entice those smiles out of her!).
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Love To Last Forever...
I know.
Never say Forever or does that just apply to Never...? :)
I celebrated a birthday a couple of weeks back. As you can imagine, I received wonderful gifts from family, each special, thoughtful and very much appreciated.
The necklace, pictured above, came from my Aly. She had the names of our three children stamped into stainless steel along with a small centered cross.
Aly loves to purchase through Etsy and had this made at Hand Stamped Jewelry by Kristin McInnis.
What a perfect gift. I love it.
And while I have never been much of a jewelry person, this is different. This represents Forever. My love for Aly and our love for the kids. Each a blessing. Each a precious gift...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Baking Oatmeal Cookies for Grandpa
We whipped up a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies to have on hand when Grandpa and Nana arrive this week. Grandpa almost always eats a cookie a day, so wanted AA to bake some for her Grandpa.
The preparations....Reading the recipe.....
Learning that you have to pack the brown sugar.....
All mixed.....a little too thick for AA to stir but she helped.....
No, she didn't eat any raw cookie dough.....
Showing off to Daddy.....
Fresh and warm, right out of the oven..... we needed to taste them......
Packaging up the cookies to save for Grandpa......
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Support America - Buy CATERPILLAR!
You will also be lending support to the family!! :)
My sister Mia and husband Michael gifted Alyzabeth this nifty CAT shirt. With the cooler mornings and afternoons the long sleeves are perfect for this time of year.
Michael is an engineer with Caterpillar and a proud Hurricane alum of the University of Miami, though we don't hold that against him.
Chomp - Chomp :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Just For Fun - Part II
Part Two from AA's day at the church playground.
These are just for fun... as AA laughed, ran, kicked a soccer ball.........What fun!
First Time Swinging Fun - Part I
.........on a "big"girl's swing.
In the beginning, AA at first was not very keen on the idea of swinging when I first put her in one of those baby/toddler swings (the type that has the front and back, plus openings for the legs, like a high chair hanging on the chains).
After awhile she really enjoyed it, and sliding and the occasional swing was fun for her.
This past Sunday, at the church playground, I took a chance and asked her if she wanted to swing in the "big" girl's swing....... well, that alone sealed the deal once she heard the "big girl" words.
She wants to do everything for herself so I expected her to try. With a little help from Mommy putting her in the swing, she seemed very happy to swing and be able to get off it all by herself. Another step in growing up!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Mommy's Gift
AA is doing great in her two mornings a week pre-school. I came home from work late last Friday night and DH said that AA had a gift for me in the morning.
Saturday morning, AA woke up and greeted me with her usual hugging/snuggling on the couch routine while drinking her chocolate milk (white cow milk with a splash of chocolate soy milk, both organic). AA and Daddy had a few secret chats and then AA presented me with this flower she made at school!(ignore the "vase", chosen as it is non-breakable)...
I think she loves her Mommy!! She's a sweetie!!!