Friday, November 20, 2009

First Time Swinging Fun - Part I

.........on a "big"girl's swing.
In the beginning, AA at first was not very keen on the idea of swinging when I first put her in one of those baby/toddler swings (the type that has the front and back, plus openings for the legs, like a high chair hanging on the chains).
After awhile she really enjoyed it, and sliding and the occasional swing was fun for her.

This past Sunday, at the church playground, I took a chance and asked her if she wanted to swing in the "big" girl's swing....... well, that alone sealed the deal once she heard the "big girl" words.
She wants to do everything for herself so I expected her to try. With a little help from Mommy putting her in the swing, she seemed very happy to swing and be able to get off it all by herself. Another step in growing up!

1 comment:

Dita said...

Love it...this child is soooo photogenic!