Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mommy's Gift

AA is doing great in her two mornings a week pre-school. I came home from work late last Friday night and DH said that AA had a gift for me in the morning.
Saturday morning, AA woke up and greeted me with her usual hugging/snuggling on the couch routine while drinking her chocolate milk (white cow milk with a splash of chocolate soy milk, both organic). AA and Daddy had a few secret chats and then AA presented me with this flower she made at school!

(ignore the "vase", chosen as it is non-breakable)...

I think she loves her Mommy!! She's a sweetie!!!


redmaryjanes said...

Of course she loves her Mommy! Darling flower :)

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. I hope you can save it. I have some strange looking but treasured ceramics and drawings around here made by my children many years ago. Think there are some by you!

t~ said...

Alyson & Ford,
I clicked over to say hi and check on AA and I have to say that the first photo literally took my breath away. She is so beautiful.

Dita said...

Aint' that just the BEST! Love the flower.

AA looks so grown up in these pictures. I see her as a teenager in a few of them. Slow down time, would ya!

Suzie said...

How sweet :o) I agree with simply t - she is breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

AAwwwww..................XXOO big time!