Thursday, September 29, 2016

Changes... At Little Sebago Lake

E-E and Papa's camp was sold last fall, now the new owner's renovations have begun. Better described as the tear down - demolition!

The old original cottage is gone (above).
Due to finding beam rot, they have torn down the 1970's addition:
Just the garage and basement left.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Happy Birthday to Leaa and Birthday Dinner!

Ford is planning to be at Leaa's home once a week to cook dinner with Livi; he used to go once a week, then Alyzabeth's golfing practice took over our lives and the weekly dinners stopped. So for the re-inaugural Tuesday dinner, we all (including Ginger) went to wish Leaa a happy birthday (and she opened her gift of an inflatable hammock/lounger). Poppy and Livi made a huge spaghetti pie with a side salad. I made spice cupcakes with citrus glaze (Dylan made the glaze). Jesse was teaching lessons so didn't see him until our departure time. Hope they all sang happy birthday to Leaa!

 Cupcakes and a few flowers.
 The girls enjoying some iPad/tablet time:

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunday - Happy Fall Ya'All! Pumpkin Painting

Great fun for many families; Leaa had plenty of food, snacks and Cake!! Also, our first time taking Ginger to a family event.  The backyard was an artist's canvas!

Kilee taking a break from painting:
AA stayed close to her new puppy; Grandma-Cathy helped too. Ginger was good for being around so many people!
Mila painting, with Grand Dylan looking on:
Eliza painting her black and white pumpkin:
AA finally went outside and painted her pumpkin:
From Facebook: Riding home from Leaa's pumpkin painting fall party! Ginger was a good puppy (except her grand entrance was marred by a poop on Leaa's foyer - oops!!). Ginger and Ford are enjoying the blasting air conditioning - Fall is not here at 90 degrees!!{the car was hot, so everyone crowded the front seat air conditioning!}
That's a wrap for Sunday!

Sunday - Happy Fall Ya'All! Pumpkin Painting

Great fun for many families; Leaa had plenty of food, snacks and Cake!! Also, our first time taking Ginger to a family event.  The backyard was an artist's canvas!

Kilee taking a break from painting:
AA stayed close to her new puppy; Grandma-Cathy helped too. Ginger was good for being around so many people!
Mila painting, with Grand Dylan looking on:
Eliza painting her black and white pumpkin:
AA finally went outside and painted her pumpkin:
From Facebook: Riding home from Leaa's pumpkin painting fall party! Ginger was a good puppy (except her grand entrance was marred by a poop on Leaa's foyer - oops!!). Ginger and Ford are enjoying the blasting air conditioning - Fall is not here at 90 degrees!!{the car was hot, so everyone crowded the front seat air conditioning!}
That's a wrap for Sunday!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Eagle Harbor Team Central's First Event - Against San Jose! EH Won!

Saturday's Eagle Harbor PGA Jr. Golf Team win over San Jose was a close one! EH had several new players who didn't give up! Great team of AA, Nick and Bella won two flags to contribute to EH's win of 6.5 points to SJCC 5.5 points. Keep the wins coming! Thanks to new Team Mom Kerri and Coach Bryan keeping the players attitudes focused on the game!

Waiting for last match to finish to see if EH kept the lead!
Both teams:
The paparazzi!!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday Fun! Avery's 2nd Birthday Party!

Avery had a fun birthday party at Chuckie Cheese on Atlantic Blvd; very nice time for everyone! Once you figured out about the tokens and the paper tickets, it was off to see who could win the most! Pizza, soda, cake and ice cream was all good for the youngsters!

Birthday girl Avery:
Kids in action:
Racing games too for the "older"ones:
Birthday cake!
Waiting for Chuckie Cheese to arrive!
Daddy Jesse and daughter Dylan chatting:
 More fun!
Great place to host a birthday party!
Photo from Nicole's Facebook page:

New Puppy - Introducing Ginger! Friday 09/23/16

Photos at Gingers Owner's home (Ocala - Labradoodle Country):

At a pit stop to visit with Cathy and Werner (San Mateo):
At home:
In AA's bedroom:
She's doing really well so far! Getting used to a leash and a potty schedule!