Friday, February 14, 2025

Home from Maine - Week of 02/11/25

Monday: Flew back home, nice weather. Dinner was the last Bill/Joan frozen Christmas pasta dinner.

Tuesday: Up early, AA off to school. Ford saw his new surgeon and now has gallbladder surgery scheduled for 2/24/25. 
I attended AA's AICE spring break trip meeting at 6:00 p.m. Going to be a great trip. We bought Five Guys burgers for dinner.
Wednesday, 12th: No morning appointments, afternoon was a new doctor, Dr. Syed, specializes in leg circulation. Two imaging appointments and a follow up all by March 26th.
The Loop for lunch: salad and a pizza:
Laurie was sick, so moved to Thursday, AA's calculus test on Friday. We went to the River House, Happy Hour, (I took Sarah's bacon dip and Mom's Maine Apple Pepper Jelly, cream cheese and crackers) met up with Kathy and Karrie (she was going to a Galentine's event at her Club).
Take out Chinese food for the last night of CNY - tried Saigon Wok (near Mellow Mushroom/Mojo) and the food was very good (Lo Mein, Pad Thai and Hibachi steak and chicken).
Thursday: AA wore the gold ingot necklace my Mom gave her.
Drove Ford to his Parkinson exercises, then to the Hallmark store and Publix. We bought so many BOGO's, stocked up on things we use. Spoke to Justin, having his shoulder surgery today.
AA came home from school, snacked on my leftover dinner food, then off to her annual eye appointment.
Paid Laureen and Laurie for three tutoring sessions each.
I ordered silicone baking sheets for me and Melissa; a new Martha Stewart 13x9 baking pan and some tinted blemish medicated concealer for AA.
I made orange chicken in the crock pot with rice and a Ceasar salad kit for dinner.
Friday: Valentine's Day! 
I removed the CNY items and spruced up with the red roses, candles.
We had an early morning to head out to Ford’s physical therapy at for his 8:30 appointment. We left early and bought a dozen Dunkin Donuts to take to the PT office. The donuts are quite festive with pink icing, lots of sprinkles and some shaped in hearts. I spoke to Terri most of the time while Ford was at his PT appointment. We talked about her babysitting schedule with Chris’s kids, her appointments with Gloria and her gardening so far (trying planting carrot seeds in cardboard egg carton a month early; they are had to germinate, fussy, so doing something different this year). I did walk for a very short time about five minutes it was in the 50° this morning. 
We shopped at Publix and picked up ingredients for bruschetta for dinner tonight. I also bought a Valentine’s Day Hart helium balloon for AA. We have cards and some candy.
Ford and I ate leftovers for lunch and Alyzabeth came home with the sad news that she scored a 74 on her calculus test. Unfortunately, Laurie was sick this week so AA has not had her tutor to help her. She also found out yesterday that she did not get in the FSU honors program but her friend Sophia did get accepted. We continue to be sad and question why (there is a link to apply once enrolled this Fall, but doesn't take the sting away).
In the afternoon, Ford has been talking about playing his guitar again so we drove to the Green Cove Springs, The Guitar Station; he bought a new strap for his guitar (very inexpensive - $9). He had given away most of his stuff to Justin or Jesse back when he stopped playing. We had a glass of wine and tried to tune our guitars. Hopefully, daily we will learn one note, or chord if he sticks to it.
We enjoyed bruschetta for dinner, opened our Valentine's Day cards; I bought mint chocolates for AA and assorted chocolates for Ford (and they both shared!). 
Tootsie Roll Pops - AA's favorite is actually the chocolate ones.
A salad kit of kale and poppy seed dressing and bruschetta (I have had to buy garlic several times now as Terri's home grown is gone!)
Valentine's Day cards:
Ford's new nightly routine is to take a shower right before bed, take off his compression socks and elevate his legs while sleeping, then in the morning, immediately put on his compression socks. Two imaging tests are in March, then will see if any further treatment is prescribed.
AA went to her bedroom to watch "something" and we watched a recording of Sleepless in Seattle (ends on Valentine's Day), until we fell asleep.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Monday, 02/03/25 - Sunday

Monday: All well with Alyzabeth getting off to school, having a good winter week with the lows in the 50s and highs in the 70s. Ford and I drove to his wound doctor which we found out she, the doctor, broke her hand and was not able to come the office so his legs were tended to by a nurse. We then drove to his Parkinson exercises, and I walked a little bit but mainly talked to Terri and Mom. Publix next to pick up some groceries and back home to eat leftovers from Sunday’s dinner at Carmelo‘s. I cooked a pound of hamburger so they can have it for homemade nachos on Super Bowl Sunday. Ford prepared the boneless pork chops (brined, added a rub, then seared, final cooking in the oven) and I prepared the fresh green beans (with bacon) and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Once Alyzabeth was home and had her after school snack, started her homework, I began organizing our 2024 taxes. Alyzabeth and I went to her PT, I walked for about 30 minutes of it. Back home, Ford cooked the boneless pork chops. 

Dry rub:
We watched the Grammy's (recorded) and then Alyzabeth and I watched "Miss Scarlett", the episode from last night. We thought it was a bit boring and not the best storyline but overall, I still like the show.  "The Voice" also began a new season tonight and we recorded that so that we can skip through all the commercials. Alyzabeth and I continue to look for a rescue doodle dog but not having much luck as we want a female and most of them are out of state, require a fenced yard. 
Tuesday: We gave AA our love and a kiss as she left for school. We went to my haircut/color - Steve lost track of time with Julie, so was late. I took Ford to his 11:00 PT appointment and zoomed back as Steve had to go home to get the building keys - this was the week Tia took off to be with her daughter and new granddaughter. All worked out okay. got money for my trip, gas in the truck, picked up Ford's prescription, made an eye appointment for AA (needed in order to order more contacts). We got home about 1:30 p.m., ate leftovers, and AA came home after her NHS meeting. She left to meet with Siyan on a media assignment; I made two vegetable dips to take to the RH. We sat on the deck with Kathy, 80 degrees! 
Back home we cooked spaghetti and meatballs and chopped salad kit once AA came home from Siyan's. Added our home-grown snow pea pods to our salad.
We watched "Finding Your Roots".
WednesdayFord did not sleep well during the night, so went back to bed after Alyzabeth went to school. I did the dishes, laundry and cut up three Ponderosa lemons and put in freezer. By the time I got ready for our breakfast appointment with Charlie and Donna, it was too late to wake Ford up and get him ready - he did not go. Had a nice time with Charlie and Donna talking about the Madison youth Ranch about the day on campus now called Day of Hope on March 8th and a little bit about politics, Elisabeth Gadd and my Alyzabeth (college plans). I drove home and picked up Ford and we dropped off a couple more bank statements of Larry Bradley‘s for Linda Wright to do his final estate taxes. We got a lemon lemonade for Ford at Springs coffee shop and met up with Susan Collins the ex-wife of Mike Collins. She was there with a friend; they had played pickle ball in Green Cove Springs off Lemon Street. We got reacquainted and I was reminded that she had adopted two children from Russia who are now in their late 20s/early 30s.  The man she was with went to school college in Maine at Bates College. Then picked up an outlaw chicken salad sandwich for Ford for lunch and a side of pasta salad for Alyzabeth for her school lunches. After watering some plants and weeding a few areas I logged in to pre-check my flight tomorrow. Alyzabeth got home from school, told us about National Signing Day, she was invited at last minute even though Coach Nedrich said he was going to send her an invite. Kathryn and AA did not know what school Chole had accepted, listened to a lot of speeches about student athletes and was sad.  
We drove to her knee surgeon appointment at 3 PM. Her knee dislocating was a mystery to Dr. Jones, said very unusual, never had to "re-do" this surgery. Another six weeks of PT then an MRI will be ordered.
Thursday: I flew to Maine - Delta flight non-stop to Boston, then a snowy trip on the Downeaster. Melissa picked me up after work and drove to camp. See post on Maine trip - Mom's 90th birthday weekend.
Neighbor Nancy drove Ford to the Parkinson exercises. AA and Ford ate leftover sloppy joe for dinner.
Friday: Ford and AA started the weekend; had a few rough spots, Ford with his frustration, AA with her, several trips to Publix to get the ingredients for banana pudding. Ford made it, took to Saturday's Parkinson's Support Session and birthday celebration.
Saturday: Nancy took Ford to the Parkinson meeting. Ford and AA were going to the Durbin Mellow Mushroom, but AA caught a cold or a bad case of allergy.
Sunday: Quiet day for Ford and AA. A bit of a fight, AA drove him to Publix to get a few more ingredients for their nachos. AA sad, not comfortable with her dad, he's frustrated he can't just do whatever he wants anymore. AA watched some of the Puppy Bowl and the Super Bowl - Philadelphia Eagles won. Ford and AA made nachos for dinner.
And I fly back tomorrow!

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Almost February 2025

Monday: Drove back from Panama City. Ford missed his Parkinson exercises. Ford's legs swollen, but a little better with the compression socks on.

AA went to her 4:00 p.m. PT with Richard.
We picked up quesadilla and power (salmon) salad from Talon's for dinner.
Tuesday: SHARK driveway coating coming to test concrete. 
Donna came to clean our home. We drove Ford to his PT appointment, then to his wound appointment. Lunch at Whitey's - blackened shrimp and blackened mahi fish sandwich - avoiding fried foods. AA stayed to do her Spanish tutoring and had Laurie at 7:30 p.m. for calculus. We watched Finding Your Roots.
River House happy hour with Kathy and Karrie. Kathy not feeling well from anemia (but iron okay); Karrie sleeping in Hugh's condo for first night. Sat inside as at 64 degrees on river, still a bit chill and damp. Not much else for news.
Wednesday: Made a few calls - Ford's gallbladder surgeon, appointment on 02/11/25 and seeing Dr. Dolven (PCP) this Friday, 01/31/25. We ate lunch at Time Out Deli. Enjoyed our quiet morning.
We also have a referral for AA's wisdom teeth to be removed and appointment to get her fillings done - I need to make appointments.
I wrote an email to adopt/rescue Bella, Golden Rescue of South Florida. AA went to her PT at 4:00 p.m.
Refer to CNY post with pictures.
Ford's Parkinson exercises, then Publix and Walmart. Was going to make Ree Drummond's stuffed peppers; will do for Friday's dinner.
Met up with Leaa to give her Valentine's Day and CNY treats for Liv and Dylan. Dropped off a gift for Jordan - a Maine made lobster rope door mat - very practical! And CNY red envelopes and Valentine's Day candy for Mila and Avery.
AA did not have Spanish tutoring with Laureen, AA came home with a headache, but she did go with us to meet up with Leaa/Dylan. We ate an early dinner at Ruby Tuesday (SR16/I-95). Enjoyed our visit.
Dylan's next dance is March 13th.
Friday: Shark coatings did our driveway. See separate post.
Drove Ford to Dr, Dolven (PCP). No new news, will see the surgeon on the 11th. Ford went to his PT appointment at 9:15 a.m. We ate lunch at Woody's BBQ after dropping off Larry's taxes at Arnold Law (Linda Wright). Mailed a box to my Mom for her birthday.
I made a new recipe - Ree Drummond's updated stuffed peppers with pesto, cannellini beans and feta cheese.
Beef and Bean Stuffed Peppers
Level: Easy Yield: 4 to 6 servings. Total: 1 hr 30 min Active: 35 min

6 bell peppers (any color)
4 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for drizzling
1 pound ground beef
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 yellow onion, diced small
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 cup pesto
1/3 cup dry white wine, preferably Sauvignon Blanc
One 12-ounce can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup crumbled feta
1 cup store-bought tzatziki, 2 tablespoons fresh dill fronds

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Cut the tops off the peppers. Remove and discard the stems, then finely chop the tops and set aside. Scoop out the seeds and as much of the membranes as you can. Place the peppers cut side up in a baking dish just large enough to hold them upright.
Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the beef, then sprinkle with salt and pepper and cook, breaking up the lumps, until the meat is cooked through and just beginning to brown, 8 to 10 minutes.
Remove to a paper towel-lined plate to soak the fat from the mixture.
Wipe out the skillet and add the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add the onions and chopped peppers, then cook until they begin to soften, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the garlic and pesto and cook for another minute. Deglaze the pan with the white wine, then add the beans and reserved beef. Let cook for 1 minute to reduce slightly.
Taste and adjust the seasoning. Remove from the heat, then stir in the feta.
Fill the peppers with the beef and bean mixture. Pour a small amount of water in the bottom of the baking dish and drizzle the peppers with a little olive oil. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake until the peppers are soft and lightly browned, another 15 to 20 minutes. Serve garnished with the tzatziki and dill.
And great grand-nephew was born to Lane and Hannah: William Know Below.
Saturday 02/01/2025
I drove to be at the10-year anniversary at Madison Youth Ranch. Read separate post.
Leaa drove to UCF, Dylan has dance in the area, will stay with Liv.
River House Happy Hour was uneventful with Kathy and Karrie. Nice weather, still a bit cool on the river so sat inside.
We continue to receive birthday cards for my Mom:
Sunday February 2nd: Ford had a rough few hours during the night; up and down talking about Ed Masters, and he got mad at me for asking questions.
Baked bacon in the oven - recipe: Preheat oven to 400° and line a large baking sheet with foil. If using, line a wire rack on your baking sheet. Lay bacon in a single layer onto baking sheet or cooling rack, making sure not to overlap.
Step 2: Bake until your desired crispness, 15 to 25 minutes. (Thin slices will cook more quickly!)
Step 3: Drain on a paper towel-lined plate and serve.
I went to church; AA was supposed to go to Siyan's home, but changed to Wednesday. We drove to St. Augustine, looked at three homes for sale on the canals, then a late lunch at Carmelo's.
Watched some of the Grammys.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Residing Hope: 10 Year Anniversary Madison Youth Ranch

I drove to Madison (Pinetta) to attend the celebration of 10 years of the Madison Youth Ranch.

Before going, as I did not RSVP until Friday, the day before (so rude of me!), I texted through Messenger to see if any of my former FUMCH Facebook friends were going. Donna and Charlie said they would not.
Greetings, just curious as to who is going to this Saturday’s 10th Anniversary celebration at the Residing Hope Madison Youth Ranch? I didn’t RSVP, would love to see it, now may be available to go. Anyone going?
Rev. Faith: That’s a great question. I’m sure you could still go. Eddie is our representative but Val and Eddie are traveling on vacation right now.
ACM: I have contacts to call and check. Just wondering if any supporters of the ranch or my former board members are going.
Myra Galloway: We will not be able to attend. We would love to see the ranch but cannot make the trip. We hardly ever travel out of town we both have eye problems.
ACM: Was hoping you both might be there.
John Rivas: We’d love to be there but I have a conflict that prevents me from attending. I hope to visit soon.
James Bernard: Unfortunately, I cannot attend. We could probably drive there, but I wouldn’t be able to participate in any activities. It would be great to see everyone. Jim.
Ruth Moore (Mike): Haven’t been back since we left on 2018.  Hope to make it back someday.  Won’t be the same without Billy & Dianne Sullivan or the Laidlaws…
ACM: Wonderful celebration today! First time I saw the pool, chapel and chickens!
Mike (Myra): Neat !! Wish we could have been there.
Rev. Faith: I’m so glad you went!
ACM: Beautiful weather, the young lady residents were engaging, impressive horse stable. Much praise for Ruth and Mike Moore for their early work and vision.
Spoke with Shailen Barmeda, Director now! Been there for 20 years, and he still looks under the age of 30! Always happy, smiling. Also met the current  board vice chair. I’m glad I went, wasn’t sure when I would ever go again in the future.
Ruth: Those street signs were painted by a young artistic teen when we were there. 
Mike & I left a piece of our hearts there, along with a lot of blood, sweat & tears.  Glad things are moving forward! Hope to get back some day!
Mike: I remember the day that Billy and Diane Sullivan made a commitment to me for the initial land around which the Madison Youth Ranch was developed. Subsequent meeting with supporters in that community yielded several substantial financial commitments of funds and land upon which the Ranch is now located. As we made many visits to the property and worked with builders, the vision began to develop. Groundbreaking was an emotional event for many.
Do you remember the unique aspect of the property that we found?
The old cemetery!

Ruth - Private Message
Thank you for the update on the MYR celebration! So glad to know it is still moving forward! Were we really mentioned? I have no contact with anyone at FUMCH anymore. Occasionally hear from Bunny Maultsby & Beth Moore in Madison.  Glad you were able to attend 🥰
ACM: Yes, Kitwana reviewed the history of the youth ranch and described you and Mike’s dedication and hard work as the first to live there. He mentioned dates of when each building was dedicated but specifically spent a few minutes about you and Mike. Elisabeth Gadd spoke about who donated for the big items, the current director of the ranch spoke, she had an interesting story how she ended up there. Very nice celebration. Diane Sullivan’s daughter is on the Board.
Ruth: Thanks for the overview! I was actually in FL, came home on Thursday….didn’t realize the event was Saturday.  I could have rearranged my schedule.  Oh well, maybe another time.
So glad you were able to attend! I have such good memories of working with you & the board members, along with Mike Galloway.
I enjoyed the music, the BBQ lunch, speaking with Elisabeth Gadd and Shailen, seeing the pool, Chapel, chickens, horse stables and greenhouse. Program:
Under the tent:
Window, dedicated to the Cisco's (Lever Family also had several windows):
Chicken Coop:
Outside the greenhouse:
Inside greenhouse:
Maultsby and Ott cottages: