Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Last Week of August - First Two HS Golf Matches!

Monday, AA has a stuffy nose and a cough. Ian was tested and negative to COVID, AA has no fever so it's a cold or allergy. Since she has not been in a school since March 2020, she probably is being exposed to all sorts of grubby school germs. 
She had her first (third scheduled) FIHS Team Golf Match at Eagle Harbor, FIHS won. 

Final score:
Coach Bryan (EH) posted - nice that he comes to see the matches:

Listening to the introductory rules:
Randy Lefko from Clay Today newspaper:
Waiting for the other pairs to come to Hole 9. Ms. Penny watched the match, good seeing her!
Tuesday, grocery shopped, Donna came and did her usual wonderful magic cleaning our home. I worked at home since I am not longer able to go to my "free" JEA NGS Project Management office (Ford and I had Bono's pork sandwiches for lunch with my leftover potato salad). AA still has allergy symptoms, and another golf match after school, this time against Oakleaf at FI Plantation (home) golf course.
Here's the Clay Today Sports section describing their Monday Match.

Busy week so far!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

A New Week - Monday 08/23/2021

Monday: Worked at home, ran errands (library and tried picking up a few things at Fresh Market for a change). Made new recipe for Taco casserole and chocolate zucchini bread. Ford picked up AA and took her to golf team practice and I headed to the River House with cheese and crackers. Watched the Monday Night Preseason NFL Football with the Jaguars (lost) and NO Saints. AA being quizzed by her Daddy every morning.
I made a new recipe - zucchini chocolate cake/bread. It was good, took some to Hugh, he's a lover of all chocolate cake!
Tuesday: Worked at NGS, Ford went to AA's first away FIHS Girls Golf Team at St. Johns Golf & Country Club off CR210 and it was rained out - TONS of lightning.
Wednesday: We met with Trustwell to get updated on our retirement savings. We made some changes to go slightly riskier, rebalance AA's account, and begin paying down our mortgage (among other things). I made Irish Soda Bread I saw on Catherine Fulvio's, A Taste of Ireland Cooking TV show (no sugar recipe, small amount of molasses):
I baked in a round cake pan, the recipe calls for a round casserole dish or loaf pan:
AA received her Florida State testing scores - all FIVE's! Yippee!
Thursday: AA has her 2nd FIHS Golf team tournament which was cancelled! Still waiting for her to play in her first HS team match!
AA prepared a poster to run for Freshman Student Council. Lots of taping:
Friday: AT&T store, grocery shopping and making some of the meal for Saturday evening.
Saturday: The Bailey's came over for a simple hotdog meal, my homemade potato salad and deviled eggs and scotch tasting by David and Ford.
Sunday we went to Carolyn's for blue cheese burgers by Tyler and lots of champagne! Our Sunday breakfast:
Carolyn's flowering plant, beautiful:
AA had her 2nd Algebra tutor session.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 16th - 22nd

Monday, errands, ate lunch outside at Metro diner, bought lots more masks from Leisa Ashline. Went to the River House.
I had the California Eggs Benedict, Ford had the Spicy fried chicken sandwich.
Tuesday, I worked at NGS and Ford made a new recipe, similar to a baked ziti casserole, no meat. 
Wednesday - We visited with Larry, took him some baked ziti. He told us about his sister-in-law (Charlotte's brother's wife) passed from COVID and then her sister, two days apart. NFJG Banquet, a late night for us! Read separate post.
Thursday, I worked at NGS. Visited Ted St. Martin as his last day is Friday, he's finally retiring at age 86! FIHS Golf Team practice cancelled due to hot weather.
Friday, I did a Messenger chat with Terri in the morning. Ford and I went to Maple Street Biscuit for brunch, Ginger to Groomers and AA with Trainer Kyle. AA told us (in tears) about her grades (not her usual A's, Ian over-speaking her in Spanish class, and the sexual harassment that happened with three boys in her biology lab/class (we wrote an email to the teacher, requesting that she be placed with girls in the future).  We watched the movie Field of Dreams (Kevin Costner) as AA had never seen it and the real MLB game was played in Iowa this month.
The "Farmer":
The "Goat":
Terri chatting (not the best picture!):
Saturday, AA and I went to Dillard's (bought jean jacket and tan stretchy slacks) after she did a couple hours of homework. Then Ford and I went to the River House to buy raffle tickets (donation for Clay County Shelter Fund Raiser event), we stayed for a drink, then to grocery store. AA did some putting/golf practice (had another drink on Talon's patio - big mistake on my part!!), then we made the Food Channel Sunny's Kitchen show's steak with "supreme" topping. Put parmesan cheese on grilled steak and top with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms. Yum!
Our recent political statement:
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches!
Finished golf practice!
Sunday, AA had a golf lesson in the morning, Ford smoked ribs and we cleaned up the screen porch. Then AA had her first Algebra II tutoring by Laurie McDonald, all went well there. Hopefully next week will be better for our sweet daughter!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

08/18/2021 NFJG TPC And Banquet

Wednesday afternoon and evening had AA playing six holes before the 6:30 p.m. air horn blew (the foursome seemed to be moving SLOW). They played Holes 16, 17 (AA's ball rolled off the back), 18 then 10, 11 and 12.

After a quick change the banquet and awards began. Jack began speaking about his first years with NFJG and meeting "a girl adopted from China" (as AA said, now everyone knows!). He was very gracious about watching these young player grow into adults and seeing many off to college. He introduced his staff, announced the scholarships and the speaker for the evening.

From Jack's Facebook: The journey began in October of 2020 and ended at the "Tournament of Champions" on August 9th, 2021 followed by the Annual Awards Banquet at TPC at Sawgrass recognizing our season's award and scholarship recipients. Guest speaker Adam Oerther blessed us with his golf and life experiences leaving us with  a great message of "golf is a journey". The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Dr. Bob Winters closed our banquet with a few words to ponder.

Loading up the cart to start on Hole 16:
Hole 16:
Hole 17:
Hole 16:
The food was very good, lots of salad (two kinds), breads, two pasta dishes, two chicken (grilled and fried) plus the ice cream station. I enjoyed two very expensive glasses of wine (Ford was nursing a headache). We sat at the same table as Jenna's family and Coach Bryan. Guest speaker Adam Oerther:
You can see me near far wall with light blue mask on. We were one of only two other families who wore masks. So much for our "friends" protecting friends.
Fall 2020 Champions:
Jenna and AA (AA's FIHS Golf team Captain):
Lynn Kirkpatrick assisting with presenting the trophies:
Five trophies:
Jack and Lynn:
Director Jack - He works very hard with the NE FL Golfing Youth!
PGA Jody and Lynn:
From Jack's posts:
A wonderful, well deserved achievement and recognition for the youth champions!