Sunday, January 29, 2023

Monday 01/23/23! Another Week without a Frost!

Loving the weather, we have had a variety but at least no hard freezes. We had rain twice, cool morning temperatures, but overall, a lovely winter.
Monday: I worked steady for three hours, baked a blueberry buckle (second one in two days), did laundry, dishes, made lunch, stripped beds, walked Ginger, etc. My day disappears! AA and Ford went to Eagle Harbor Golf Course to practice short game. Dinner is spaghetti and meatballs (we make enough for several meals and freeze). 
Tuesday: Brunch at the Metro in St. Augustine with Charlie and Donna, Jim and Patty Bernard (from Children's Home). Didn't have time to make dinner (Donna cleaned house today) so got to-go BBQ salads from MoJo - always fresh and delicious.
Happy Hour at the River House, I made an easy strawberry, mozzarella, basil appetizer (with drizzle of balsamic vinegar).
Wednesday: I worked until 10:30 then visited with Larry Bradley, lunch at Tine Out deli (we call it our "Greek deli"). AA had her physical therapy session with Drew (3rd session). 
We made cole slaw in our new food processor, will take a while to get used to how much to put in it and which blade to use.
Thursday: Ford went to his Parkinson exercises then hair cut and my coloring with Steve at 11:00 a.m. I worked several hours and joined the 1 p.m. meeting. Weather has turned cold but no frost! Dinner was Ford's blackened salmon and my green beans and mashed potatoes.
We had a contractor look over our sagging deck and should have it fixed by late March.
Friday: No frost but very cold - 42 degrees this morning.
Another milestone has passed - 17 years ago we were officially notified we were logged in to China's 
I love what Dave writes so have copied/stolen his posts before, their date was one day before ours yet we landed in China one month before he did (thank you CCAI!):
In the "Time Flies" department, 17 years ago (really), our hopes, dreams and about 3 inches of paperwork were sent to China and "logged in" to the Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs, thus setting our place in line for a baby girl. It was supposed to be a 6-month wait that just grew and grew until 30 months went by before we got the call that changed our lives and, two months after that, the amazing girl we know now as Wren.
And from 2017:
I am stealing David's post as he writes so well, we stalked his referral estimator daily and we shared the LONG wait together with only one day apart on our LID's. We are Eleven years ago today when the real WAIT began - when China recognized us as approved parents-to-be! Thank you #CCAI. After paper-chasing for six months, we were in line for our new daughter. Great memories. January 27, 2006 LID Forever.
From Dave: Eleven years ago today, our hopes, dreams and a pile of paperwork was officially logged in at a bureaucratic office outside somewhere in Beijing. January 26th, 2006 would be our "login date" and would mark our place in line for adopting a child from China. Month after month, I (and thousands of others) agonized at how much (and far too often, how little) the line moved each month. After far longer than we ever anticipated, one day it finally became our turn and Sandy and I found out there was a little girl waiting for us across the ocean. So, Happy LID anniversary to all my China 143 friends. The day is long gone and not really well-remembered as it once was, but the actions of that date brought us all the families we have today.
We went to the movies at 3:15 p.m. to see Otto. Very funny, sad, teary movie. Love Tom Hanks and other cast but such a sad story.
Ian Bailey and Mom Shannon came over to give AA a CNY gift. They gave her a rabbit (Year of the Rabbit), a red box of chocolates and a card with $20 gift. So sweet they think of her plus being our 17th year-anniversary of our LID date.
We enjoyed the honey baked turkey (gift from Bill/Joan) with leftover mashed potatoes/green beans. Then a rousing indoor "play catch/fetch" with Ginger capped the evening.
Saturday: I was up too early, so watched the 2010 movie, Letters from Juliet. It was cute, okay movie; Venessa Redgrave was part of the cast. In the afternoon, we attended the NFJG New Rules Session at Beaches Golf Course and had dinner at P.F. Chang.
It was very cold with wind chill factor making it unbearable. The final 20 minutes, I went inside the Cafe to warm up! Brave people!
Sunday: Mia was in Tampa and Gainesville, we did not drive to see her, just wasn't up for the drive, hopefully we will see her in April on their next visit. 
I baked some apply crisp and in slow cooker made red beans and rice. 
Ford made Velveeta cheese dip with Rotel, yummy, while we watched two football games. Now to wait for the Super Bowl with the Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs. AA did homework and had her tutor session with Laurie.
Tomorrow is Ford's cataract left eye "re-do".

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Week of January 16th - Jaguars Saturday 2nd Playoff Game

Monday: Went to Quest for my annual physical bloodwork. We tried Carolyn's homemade mint hot chocolate (Christmas gift) - very good! She also gave us mocha-hot chocolate to try.
Holiday from school (MLK Day) so AA was home, did homework while we did errands and household chores. We had a rotisserie chicken with baked potatoes and broccoli for dinner. At 8:00 p.m. Coach Bryan held a Zoom session with Josh, a mental athlete coach. Good session but everything said, AA has heard at least once. Will read more books on the golfing mental side of the game.
Tuesday: Went to RH to enjoy the beautiful weather, actually sat outside. Hugh and Maureen were tired after Erin's visit, Kathy had a fall last Friday and her back was still sore, so only the two of us. We went to Sweet Sensations for Outlaw Chicken Salad for our RH happy hour, but didn't take it. We baked Carolyn's lasagna (she gave us at Christmastime), delicious with a salad kit.
River House Happy Hour:
Wednesday: I continue to work for my new department (APTIM Director of Environmental Services), Curt Lee. Taking more time to learn what he needs from me. We enjoyed leftover lasagna with garlic bread and broccoli. Took AA to her physical therapy, she knows how to correctly wear her knee brace, must wear it whenever she bends her knee (almost all the time). As her leg is strengthened, should be able to only wear when playing sports. 
Thursday: Continued working with new group, Curt Lee. Ford went to his exercise class and Tai-Chi class. We tried making "chicken" cakes (like crab cakes) with our chicken salad (I added diced red onion and bell peppers) for dinner, not too bad. 
Friday: Went to my annual physical appointment, bloodwork was all "normal". No issues except the recurring rash (possibly adult acne), so going for more bloodwork for Lupus. I worked several hours, learning my new assignment, mostly a manual process, so taking a while to learn. AA did homework after school, I chatted with my Mom, while Ford made pizza for dinner (used Publix pizza dough). Texted with Leaa, decided the tall ship sailing for Terri/Carolyn and my birthday will be a day sail on April 15th.
Saturday: AA met up with Siyan at Chipotle's for lunch. Took our hotdog cooker to the River House, watched the Jaguars playoff game against the Kansas City Chiefs. Jaguars lost, but it was a fun season where they improved as a team, so will look forward to next year.
Sunday: Baked a blueberry buckle, took to Carolyn's with AA. 
We bought Burger King burgers along the way - never to do again, not only was the drive-thru SLOW, they only gave us two of three burgers, thankfully I had AA check before we left, so had to literally bang on the windows as the inside dining was closed! Never again! We visited with Carolyn, talked about her beau Alex, he was coming over later to grill dinner of lamb kabobs for her. We drove home, I made egg roll bowl for the beginning of Chinese New Year. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Week of January 9th - Trip to Marianna

Monday: Morning came early, none of us wanted to get up at 5:50 a.m. After driving AA to school, off to Ford's heart doctor appointment (routine, no issues) so missed his Parkinson exercises. We enjoyed brunch at Maple Street Biscuit. We took apart the Christmas tree, boxed up all the decorations, lights and ornaments; swept and vacuumed, plus laundry (stripping beds). AA golfed after school then I grocery shopped. Dinner was Panzanella (recipe Leaa made for Christmas dinner). So good!
Tuesday: Breakfast with Charlie and Donna Perry, baked a new recipe - flourless chocolate pecan cookies (decent, very chocolatey, just odd without flour) went to the RH for Happy Hour, included Karrie Masse and Norma. AA practiced golf after school then more homework. Leftover chili and collard greens for dinner (again!).
Wednesday: Lazy morning for us, I worked, then put some Christmas decorations in the garage attic, put Christmas tree at curbside to be picked up tomorrow, walked Ginger and lunch at our "Greek" deli Time Out. We went to AA's FIHS Golf Banquet (separate post).
Thursday: I continue to work, received a call from my boss, Gene Scott about working with Curt Lee too, Gene has run out of overhead money, and Curt needs someone to help with his proposal research. Supposedly Chuck has been given his notice. AA is cramping badly so no golf today. Ford and I took the opportunity to go to Cultured Collective for about an hour.
AA with her "warming" Sloth named Suzy (for cramps):
Spaghetti for dinner!
Friday: Took Ginger to Carolyn's. Packed a cooler and drove to Marianna after school.
Saturday: Lane basketball coach. Separate post. Jaguars wild card playoff game.
Sunday: Drove home and picked up Ginger. Lots of laundry and chores.

Lane, Hannah, Baby Collins, Chipola Basketball and JAGUARS!!

We drove to Marianna Florida (central standard time) Friday after school, met with Bill, Joan, Lane, Hannah and Collins Elizabeth at the local Sonny's BBQ (after we checked into our hotel, AA ordered Cobb salad, I had my usual pork plate and Ford had the beef brisket sandwich).
Ford fell as he was walking from the car to the restaurant door, scraping up his arm, knee and head pretty bad. He didn't see a trailer next to our car and banged into it. AA saw him fall and roll, so thankfully he did not break anything! He was sore and bloody but handled it very well, most likely it was because he can't see out of his left eye very well (surgery is scheduled for 1/30/23).
We continued visiting with Joan and Bill, then off to bed!
Saturday morning, had breakfast in the hotel with Joan and Bill, then found out that Butch and Stephanie were driving to see us and visit. We met at Sonny's BBQ (best in town), had a nice visit, then back to the hotel lobby to visit. They were not staying for the game (they went to the one in Pensacola Wednesday). Great seeing them and for driving 2.5 hours just to see Ford!
Saturday afternoon, we watched Lane's Chipola College basketball team WIN! Unbelievable how they were behind until the second half. 
After the game, we met up at Beef O'Brady's (second best restaurant in Marianna) and enjoyed a noisy but delicious dinner. We watched the beginning at Beef O’Brady, Marianna FL. So bad, far behind. 
By half time, watching in our hotel room, Fairfield Marriott with Bill and Joan. Slowly Trevor Lawrence managed to move forward and score. Four interceptions was terrible. 17-0 at 2nd quarter. Kick off, Jaguars lost the ball. 27-7 at half time. We could not believe the touchdowns and drives in the 3rd quarter! Jaguars 15 yard penalty, then Chargers miss a field goal. Joey Bosa slams his helmet down when he didn't get a penalty on Jags he wanted. Amazing that Trevor Lawrence came back from 27-0 score to win 30-31! NFL's 3rd greatest comeback! Great times for Jacksonville (and all the fun after when Trevor, wife and about 20 others went to the Beaches Waffle House).
Sunday, Bill and Joan left very early, so we enjoyed breakfast and were on the road by 10:00 a.m. EST. We picked up Ginger at Carolyn's and were home by 3:30 p.m.