Thursday, April 23, 2009

Two Park Day!

We haven't reviewed a new park in awhile so with last Saturday's fine weather, still a little cool for our area (OK, yes, it was in the 70's) and with a strong spring breeze; it was lovely for exploring!
We chose Stockton Park, on Ortega Boulevard and right on riverfront property then went to Stinson Park on San Juan Avenue and also, on the riverfront.

Entrance to park. There are many parking spots but I wouldn't call it "ample" parking.

Beautiful river views!
Wonderful pavilion and seating "in the round".
I just love the way she holds onto my finger!

Don't worry if you see these crazies standing on one leg... pretending to be a Flamingo Bird?

Mama didn't get out of the picture in time.....
Stockton Park was lovely but definitely set up for the adult crowd. It is small, with manicured grounds, picnic tables, park benches. There is NO playground equipment except for a very out of the way small swing set. No restrooms. Great river view and fishing. Many of the families were there just for the public access to the river for fishing. It looks like the neighborhood is trying to discourage that too due to no amenities. Overall, a lovely place to have a picnic and enjoy the river. We won't go back to "play".

Very little parking considering the size is larger than Stockton Park. Also a local favorite place to enjoy family gatherings.

This is the view looking north, across the street. Jacksonville skyline in the horizon.
Water fountain.... good to have.... covered in a nice central location.
Did you notice the water facet just for the four legged crowd (and dog bowl)?
Almost a substitute for the beach!
A great dock but the sign says no docking and no fishing! Huh??????
Good playground equipment but not for little ones. The step spacing and the height makes it impossible for AA to enjoy unless I am lifting her often.
We did slide and use the swing but overall, a beautiful park, just not for us right now. If we lived closer, it would be in her future!
Again, no restrooms so long term playing there is out.
Overall, neither park is really what we are looking for as a regular hang out. We continue to go almost daily to the Green Cove Springs, Spring Park which has most of the features we want for AA. If and when we find one in Jacksonville, we will probably start a playgroup (I don't think most of our families with children will make the drive south to our area). AA is still shy with crowds and is extremely upset if one of us is not in view. She plays much better with other children once she has time to "warm up" to them. She is not speaking in a manner that most 2.5 - 3 years old can understand her so we have more language skills to improve. With AA progressing and gradually catching up to her age group, play dates will be in our near future.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE thier flamingo poses!!

Mama Kate said...

My kids love the Green Cove Springs park. We should get together one Saturday and let the kids play.

Mike and Rhonda said...

She just gets more beautiful with each post.

Chasing Dreams Photography said...

your daughter is so adorable!!! That park looks beautiful!!! I can't wait for our weather to be warm...I am dying for spring to come!!!