Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekend Saturday - Sunday 15th - Forever Family Day Dinner

Saturday: No plans as AA is still recovering from her knee surgery.
We did not go to our usual River House Happy Hour. Spoke on phone with Leaa, she's having a rough time, driving to Jacksonville alot - taking Dylan to DASA; got a flat tire, her bestie Amanda's divorce, husband Josh (addicted) is ugly with threats, so kids spent the night at Leaa's plus Justin's roof is getting worse while he waits for the insurance money, approval of a contractor, etc. After 12 days of rain, I guess his roof collapse got worse (originally for a storm, tree fell on roof). I sent text to family about taking Ford's phone away, after making two false 911 calls (one nighttime, one daytime), needed to take it away from him.
I took Ford for a drive, to get him out of the house, change of scenery. We ended up buying vanilla ice cream from Dreamette in OP. He still sees people, usually men around our truck when I leave him alone (while I run into stores/errands). I made a meatloaf, mashed potatoes and roasted carrots for dinner (lunch was leftovers). 
A quiet day. Ford took his 2md pill - new prescription Quetiapine Fumarate 25 mg.
Sunday 09/15/24: Day before Forever Family Day - had an early dinner at P.F. Chang as the 16th is a school day/night.
I slept a little better last night, maybe got three hours sleep total. Ford still sees people, plus last night kept wanting to help someone charge their car battery and then got mad at me for not helping him close the truck door, it goes on and on.
We had a slow day until we drove to PF Chang. Food there is just okay, no longer a special, fancy meal for us. This may have been our last time together celebrating as AA will be at college next Fall.
Outside, it has been raining for 12 days, so the sun was welcome but bright in AA's eyes without her sunglasses.
Inside the restaurant:
AA's beef and pepper dinner:
Ford's Pad Thai:
I tried their "New" Teriyaki Chicken:
The lemonade with pomegranate:
Our appetizer of chicken lettuce wraps, the lettuce was not iceberg, more small romaine leaves:
Sunday evening was watching NFL football (Jaguars lost), AA reviewing her college essay on the phone with Ms. Penny and eating our PF Chang leftovers.

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