Friday, September 13, 2024

Monday 09/09/24

Monday: After AA went to school, I stripped our bed, did laundry, showered, etc, then drove to Ford's Parkinson exercises. It was another bad night, last night, with people hallucinations. Ford gets aggressive wanting to "take them out". Hoping tonight is better, if not will call the doctor. I walked 4900 steps while chatting with Mom; had a good visit yesterday and due to having Andrew and Chris there, they took out the Sea-Doo after giving everyone rides.

We ran a few errands, then had lunch at Sweet Sensations, brought back a BLT and pasta salad for AA. AA stayed after school with Siyan, helping a teacher with technology.
Mia came over for dinner, I made meatless Monday - ravioli with asparagus and cherry tomatoes. Ford wasn't feeling well (partly constipation), so he didn't visit much. Mia told us about the current issues with Madison, the roommates are causing drama, Madison has a new 3-year-old cat, Spencer, they seem to be jealous, making digs at her. Plus she missed a couple of school assignments; just not sure what to do. Mia gave her lots of advice. hope it improves for her (Sophomore year).
We are very tired, went to our bedroom at 8:30 while AA studies for her calculus class. The hallucinations have been minor today, during daylight - Ford said people have been in our home since noon today.
Tuesday: Another rough night, I got about three hours sleep, waking up to Ford saying he couldn't get out of the bedroom, like he is in a prison. From the last three nights, know that he will try to find a weapon to "get rid of the people breaking in", and if I let him wander throughout the house, he could find other objects (like knives) so keep him locked in our room at night. He had visions of dogs alot lately too.
Donna came to clean our home. We cancelled our lunch with the Chilton's at Whitey's Fish camp due to Ford being very tired and the hallucinations are pretty much 24/7 now. 
I went to the River House Happy Hour alone, Ford is not up to visiting. I took the crostini with fig jam and blue cheese with almonds, always delicious. 
We heated leftover frozen chili for dinner.
AA stayed after school to volunteer for tutoring. We went to our bedroom at 8:00 p.m. to begin the routine of trying to get Ford to sleep. He wanted to watch the Trump/Harris debate, but thankfully he fell asleep on and off fitfully, woke up several times, up and down constantly (as has been past four nights, then talks about the people out to get him. 
Wednesday 9/11 Anniversary: Lots more RAIN! Ditches are full. When my alarm went off at 5:55 a.m. - Ford was standing at the foot of the bed, saying the bedroom door was locked so all the people couldn't leave. We cancelled our breakfast/brunch with Charlie and Donna Perry and his afternoon PT due to Ford's ongoing hallucinations. He wanted to get out of the house so we got lunch. I called Dr. Legacy to ask for help/what to do. 
I wrapped AA's birthday gifts and gave myself a pedicure in between watching Ford talk to his imaginary people (two young girls that he wanted to find their parents). Ford told his hallucinations many times to please leave our house, he is agitated, usually naps but will hardly sit down. He thinks he can get rid of them. no convincing, talking or reasoning with him works.
Cooked a new dish - Chicken Stroganoff with mushrooms. I invited Mia as she was available, and she cheers us up! Unfortunately, all of were not in love with this recipe, so I shall never make it again!
Thursday: Read separate post on AA's Left knee surgery.
Looking forward to a new Downton Abbey movie:
Friday: AA woke up feeling much better and can walk decently. 
I made blueberry waffles for breakfast, did dishes and started laundry. 
Spoke to Dr. Legacy's office, left all the details - hoping for a call back with solutions to Ford's hallucinations.
Ford had hallucinations all last night, we were awake every hour. And he was dizzy this morning, staring at imaginary people working outside. He needed to reset the VyStar account on-line PW and wouldn't tell me his SS number out loud, had to write it down as "people" in our house would hear it, he got mad at me for speaking out loud the account information. I am in tears, I am so tired. I did go to Publix and while gone the doctor did call, so chatted with him in the parking lot. He prescribed a new pill, hoping it will help. Once we were notified that the Walmart Pharmacy had it, and was ready for pick up, I went and picked it up. As I was driving home, AA texted me that Ford had called 911. Once the firemen/truck left (they really wanted to take him to the hospital, but with much explaining, they left), Ford explained it was the first time he physically touched a man in our home, felt threatened. If I was home, I may have avoided. Poor AA, she was so upset, with her leg elevated, she didn't know he called 911 until she heard him talking to the dispatcher. After calming down, we had Tropical Smoothies for dinner. So ends our week of no sleep, extreme hallucinations and hopeful the new drug will help.

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