Friday, September 13, 2024

AA Left Knee Surgery 09/12/24

Thursday: Woke up after a few hours sleep to more of Ford's hallucinations. During the night he thought the ceiling fan was flying apart, that he had trash in the bed and on him (trying to get rid of it at least 20 times), plus bugs on his legs and pillows, etc. I can't write about each one. It is constant. AA finished her government assignment; I drove Ford to the Parkinson exercises even though he was having these hallucinations. Funny how he didn't have any at the exercises. I walked and chatted with my mom, she has her own list of issues, we hate to dump bad news on each other. 
I drove AA to the St. Vincent's/Ascension Clay County Hospital on 1670 St. Vincents Way, Middleburg. Arrived at 11:45 for her 12:15 check-in time for her left knee surgery appointment. 
After paying the amount due, she was taken back to the pre-op area and was made ready - knee cleaned, "johnny" put on (all clothes off except undies the nurse gave her a disposable pair - as she is on her period), IV inserted, compression sock on right leg, non-skid socks on both feet, swallowed six pills (Tylenol, Gabapentin, Oxycodone and one other pill) and a warm blanket. 
Dr. Partick Jones came in and looked over her knee, explained what he was doing (using two existing scars plus opening the one to remove the screws) and then "initialed" her knee. 
I texted with family to let them know how things were going.
The surgical team was very nice, rolled her away at 2:35 p.m. 
Consultation with Dr. Jones, said cartilage was in worse shape, will move forward with MACI surgery, possibly early December. The recovery for this surgery is to be careful with shin bone skin, dissolvable stitched and steri-strips, cleaned up old scar a little. 
The MACI surgery should be less pain, he does not like the pain pump, will give a shot in leg if needed for pain that wears off gradually. Opening kneecap without disturbing her other repairs will be a challenge. Very successful, said that she is too young not to have a functioning knee.
And we left for home at 5:15 p.m. and she was nauseous. She didn't want anything to eat but did try some ravioli but up chucked it. She has a good night and woke up feeling much better. She did eat some grapes and apple slices. She is walking, moving well with the stiff knee (can't bend it). Keeping ice on it for 24 hours. She worked on her homework, and all is progressing for her recovery.

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