Sunday, September 08, 2024

Tuesday 09/03/24 - Sunday 09/08/24

Tuesday: We enjoyed a slow morning (Ford had a short nap), planned our day and drove to his PT at 10:15 (walked for 15 minutes, already over 90 degrees, then put gas in the truck - a reasonable $3.09/gal,). Then to get a buzz cut, Ford decided it was time to make all his hair very short. Steve did a fine job in less than 10 minutes.

We picked up chicken salad sandwiches (Time Out Deli), then home. I walked Ginger, started laundry and shopped at Publix to buy dinner (Panzanella) and more of the BOGO champagne. I took two to Leaa's yesterday and it was good; we still like the flavor of Freixenet best (also a Cava).
I prepared the bread, red onion, tomatoes, garlic for dinner. AA stayed after school for her NHS meeting. Off to our RH happy hour, took more of the same - cantaloupe, mozzarella cheese and prosciutto - Hugh and Maureen were in Pittsburgh, at his brother's funeral.
Wednesday: No appointments - thankfully as during the morning hours, a heavy thunderstorm woke us up and continued through the morning - AA drove to school right before the worst hit. I set up a breakfast meet up with Charlie and Donna, completed the Social Security papers to ensure AA gets benefits through her graduation date. We were called to move AA's surgery up a week but declined. Walked Ginger, nice windy but hot day. AA doing homework. Leftover BBQ (from freezer) and BBQ beans for dinner. We dropped AA's green Subaru at Suburban to be fixed - hopefully the electronics can be reprogrammed, and we don't have to replace the electronic box.

Thursday: I drove AA to school. Ford saw his neurologist, Dr. Legacy at the North office. Tried to address his insomnia - so now will reduce the strength of the Neupro patch and add melatonin at bedtime, will track his hallucinations to see if reduced and if sleeping improves. 
We enjoyed lunch at Hawkers and brought home half our meal (Pad Thai and CKT) for AA's after school snack. 
AA's car was ready, all fixed except on the drive home the windshield began to leak during a downpour. Another reason to call it a lemon. Hope Larry doesn't mind if we trade it in for something a little newer for AA. Ford had another queasy spell, we are assuming is from the antibiotic, which he still has another week left of the pills. Dinner was leftover BBQ and I had hummus.
Friday: Another restless night sleeping, hallucinations and Ford thought he saw people outside, inside and a dog with a litter of puppies. We need to keep working on this problem/change.
Drove to Ford's PT, chatted with Mom while I walked. She is still having issue with her skin graft healing, plus she still has the lung/cough/asthma. Ford and I took new flowers to LB's grave and then got take out from Cracker Barrel for lunch. Ford is still having nausea issues, so eating small meals, then laying down.
Lunch - Chicken and dumplings plus sides.
AA had her English teacher review her college essay after school.
She came home very sad/crying, as the pep rally was today and she couldn't sit with the athletes, it is so sad about her knee, a huge change in her whole life's outlook and expectation.
I did talk her into shopping for a HOCO dress. She was successful finding a dress (City Vibe, color: Iris), bra and shoes (on order) at Dillard's. Nice story about Dillard employees: the ladies dress/assistant rung up the dress and thankfully I mentioned needing a bra to wear under it. She obliged and took us over to lingerie where we had two sweet, attentive ladies helping AA. She was fitted in size 32DD (we thought she was a 34D) and found the right strapless (convertible) bra. AA found some shoes, but no one carried size 5.5 so ordered online. Also, ordered her dress in a smaller size and in-store didn't have it and wanted to compare to the one we already purchased. Happy shopping trip - rare to have us both happy!
Saturday: During the night, Ford had hallucinations hourly, we didn't get any sleep, at one point he wanted to get our gun to shoot intruders (he saw visions of people), so I stayed awake all night until I could get to the guns in the morning, unloaded the pistol. Horrible night.
Justin's 52nd birthday, called him and he was feeling poorly so staying home. Leaa and family went to the UCF football game. 
I made Nana Joy's chocolate sheet cake just in case we did see JK.
Ford and I drove to Walmart, picked up his prescriptions including the Neuro patch at the lower dose (6 mg).
Happy Hour at the River house: Nice weather, sat outside covered deck (about 85 degrees). Karrie joined us. We talked but Ford wasn't feeling up to it so sat in truck for about 15 minutes, then rejoined us. We picked up Chipotle's for dinner. Watched an episode of Downton. We were so tired, went to bed. Ford was hallucinating and I thought he "knew" that, but somehow, I did doze off about 11:00 p.m. and 30 minutes later woke to the police at our door. Ford thought people were breaking in, said he couldn't find me, woke up AA, then dialed 911, telling them that he had Parkinson and has hallucinations but thought the people were real. Another bad night, I took away his phone and will somehow lock our bedroom door, so he stays in our room. 
Sunday: I served communion at church, I have been good about going each week. Maybe will get involved in some other way.
We had Nancy Coates over to chat about her experiences with David; she never gave him the carb/levo because of the hallucinations; in the end we decided to drop the night carb/levo pill to see it anything got better. Ford was pretty good during the day but once dusk came, her was seeing lots of people across the pond.
AA met with Carolyn (in pouring rain) at the Avenues Mall, didn't not have a successful shopping trip, so had lunch and came home.
Another bad night, with Ford trying to fight off the "people" with a large metal flashlight. He finally dozed off about 1:30 a.m. and I fell asleep about 2:00 a.m. - back up at 5:55 a.m.
Leaa and family had a good weekend at UCF - fun and football!
Family photos from LSL: Andrew, Chloe plus Chris, Autumn, Anthony and Terri had a last day with the Sea-Doo before hauling it out for the winter. Plus Andrew swept off Mom's roof.

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