Friday, August 09, 2024

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - Back Home in Fleming Island!

Wednesday 08/07/24: We checked out of our Airbnb, stopped by Leaa's to give her the flowers (lilies) I had at the house, and drove home. We unpacked, did laundry, did dishes (in the right sink, as we have a leak on the left one).

AA went to the FIHS to pick up her Senior t-shirts and her "crown". We went to her Dr. Jones SOS appointment and heard more about the scoping of her knee and what the cartilage replacement involves. He will also remove a screw that is "backing out" during the scope on September 12th. AA and I went to Walmart for school supplies and checked in on Ford's prescriptions - put a hold on auto-refills for Gabardine and the Neuro patch.
New recipe (intended to make at the Airbnb but we had too much food!) of ravioli with asparagus and cherry tomatoes, garlic, Italian seasonings with fresh basil and parmesan cheese. It was pretty good. 

Thursday 8th: Ford didn’t sleep very well had hallucinations again about his feet and legs. I slept fine after he went out to the living room. We are both still tired from vacation and I am still sore from packing and unpacking so many times. Alyzabeth helped tremendously so that saved me many trips to and from the truck. 
Ford and I got ready, drove to his Parkinson exercises at 9:30, finished at 10:30 with their monthly birthday celebration and cake. I then took Ford home and I went to my hair coloring appointment with Steve. After arriving home, I picked up Time Out Deli chicken salad sandwiches and camel rider for Ford. Ford and I then drove to his physical therapy appointment at 2:45 on Kingsley. Afterwards we went to the River House for a glass of wine, it is very hot. The truck registered 102° on our drive to the River House.  We sat inside in the air conditioning. Kathy was invited at Hugh and Maureen‘s home for happy hour so we were just by ourselves. Kathy had COVID while we were gone on our trip to Maine, she is fine now. 
We came home and had leftover smoking barbecue for dinner.
Friday 9th: Another slow day, still unpacking, laundry, walking Ginger. Alyzabeth had her hair trimmed by Tia at 3:00 p.m. then we went to the OP mall for some "back to school shopping". 
Shopping: New white sandals needed for graduation.

No to any dresses - she tried on about 10 - this one fit the best, a shirt dress, but a big No from AA.
AA tried on dresses, a few fit but she didn't like. She did find two school suitable shirts and one white tank top (to wear under shear tops) plus white sandals! She needed a pair for her senior year events.
I was feeling just tired enough, begged off cooking the chicken dinner I planned - so we ate leftovers, watched three more episodes of Downton Abbey (Season 2).
And a nod to Melissa's post about losing her cat Neptune in 2022:

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