Sunday, August 11, 2024

Saturday/Sunday 08/10th - 11th (2024)

Saturday: I was up by 5:30 a.m., not sure what woke me, I think I heard the train, but once awake, heard Ford raise the garage door to add more trash to our pile for pick up (a day later due to TS Debby on Monday). I made coffee and generally goofed off, reading emails, updating the calendar, now working on the blog. AA and I made corn dip for this weekend's happy hours.

What we know about Hugh and Maureen from Kathy (who had COVID while we were gone on vacation): She did not visit with them the entire time we were gone until Thursday, 08/08/24 (Karrie was there too). Supposedly, Maureen fell again, while we were gone, so they have not been to the RH lately.  The next morning, Friday, Hugh called Kathy to bring over a clean nightgown (Maureen's was in wash) as she was on floor and could not get up - he called 911. They did not transport her and no update except she was confused. They are on a wait list to move to Tampa as soon as their name comes up. So sad to see them leave, but is best, Hugh needs help with her.
AA and I binge watched more Downton Abbey episodes.
Sunday: Quiet morning, I went to church (Carolyn was unavailable to visit, going to Ormond Beach to visit old friend). Ford told me about his legs, so tried to make him comfortable and alternate plans with Mia and Madison. We decided to meet at IKEA where Madison wanted to shop.
We continued eating corn dip and leftover Smokin D's for dinners - froze the remaining BBQ beans.

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