Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday - Day Before School Begins!

Monday 08/12/24: We slept in, rather than getting up early to prepare for the early mornings this week. In years past, always harped on starting the early mornings a few days before school starts - not this year! I cooked up some bacon for Alyzabeth’s Breakfast in the school mornings. I also stripped our bed, washed all linens, bedspread and shams, and also cleaned the laundry room up. It is become a drop off spot, and the counter was quite cluttered so I put everything in its proper place. 

Laundry/Butler Pantry: Before:
After some organizing:
Ford did not go to his Parkinson exercises as he had showed me yesterday that he had a left leg that looks swollen/with blisters or skin lesions on it. I called his primary care doctor and his heart doctor and was not able to get any appointments, so we made an appointment at an urgent care clinic. We went to vote early today and saw Mary McMinn, she worked at voting centers.
Ran more errands, the bank, the post office to mail a small package to Terri that included two pins, my civil engineering lifetime pin, and a Jamestown pin we bought for her and mailed our winning lottery scratch off ticket to New Hampshire.
We then drove to the Avecina Medical Urgent Care of Orange Park clinic (Kingsley Ave.) about 15 minutes early and they took him almost on time. The doctor examined his legs and said thought it was a skin infection so prescribed an antibiotic and also just a double check nothing else was going on in his legs and ultrasound on both legs. Imaging order for Wednesday:
We came home and ate outlaw chicken salad sandwiches and watched one more episode of Downton Abbey which now Alyzabeth is definitely sick of, so we won’t be watching anymore for a while. I walked Ginger and then we went to Walmart to pick up Ford’s prescriptions, the antibiotic, and also looked through the school supplies one last time and then bought fruit for breakfast. I am feeling tired so decided to lay down for a little bit and we are going to have a boring dinner of outlaw chicken salad again since we planned to have that on Sunday but instead we met Mia and Madison at IKEA so did not eat it.
AA packing her own lunch! Ford has been doing it since 2012 - now she's taking over.

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