Tuesday, August 13, 2024

First Day of Senior Year! FIHS 2024 - 2025

We were all up early, Ford taking Ginger out, AA dressing and checking her backpack for supplies. With her water bottle and lunch packed (she did that herself), she was ready 15 minutes early. Today is special as the Principal hosts a breakfast for Seniors - so they all walk through to the cafeteria then to the courtyard where all Juniors line up to welcome them.

AA wore her white Senior shirt (as requested) and seemed to have a good time (except the breakfast was Chick-fil-A and we do not patronize that business). I took her picture with a simple printed sign then she drove herself, parked, met up with friends - all Seniors!
Lunch note:
Reflected on AA's kindergarten year at OPE:
And August of 2012 was AA's first golf tournament, she placed last (5th). What great memories!
AA found out she passed the AICE exams and will receive her AICE Diploma. Some of her scores were not to her liking, but many of her friends were not happy either. 
After school, a few friends went to Maggie's for ice cream, they visited for an hour - no homework tonight! A great day!
While she was at school, Donna cleaned our house, we went to Spring Park Coffee shop (we had run all our errands yesterday so just goofed off!). I called my Mom, lunch at Time Out Deli (Hamburger and I had BLT) then back home. In the afternoon, we went to the Imagining center for Ford's legs, just to make sure nothing was going on in his legs, then to the RH. Dinner was Mojo BBQ salad after Ford and I went to the River House with Kathy (Maureen had a Mayo appointment, six-month checkup). First day of school done!

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