Tuesday, August 06, 2024

St. Augustine Airbnb - Part Two

Sunday, 08/04/24: We didn't have anything formal planned.

Sunday morning started out with news about the tropical storm. DEBBY coming up from South Florida on the west coast so we know we are going to have some cloudy wet days ahead. Leaa, Jesse, Dylan and Liv came over in the morning with donuts and visited for a couple hours. They then went back their house got their bathing suits and we asked any family members who would like to come over and swim to come on over. Tristan drove over plus Cara, Travis, Pearl, and Miles. And Mia arrived. We had a good time in the pool and then ate the mango salsa Alyzabeth and I made that morning along with leftover turkey and cheese sandwiches and pasta salad. Everybody had a good time, left about 4 PM to rest, take naps and get ready for their evening activities.  We ordered a large Carmelo’s supreme pizza and Alyzabeth the calzone with spinach, peppers and mushrooms in it. It was a good dinner, easy to get to Carmelo‘s as it seemed like the rain had sent most people back home, including the tourists. We began watching a movie called The Remains of the Day with Emma Thompson. it was about a butler, who was very loyal to his pro-Nazi master and about Emma Thompson as housekeeper. We were tired by that time it was after 10 PM so we watched the last hour of the movie on Monday morning. 
Monday 5th Morning was rainy, windy morning and since I had a fraud alert on my VyStar debit card, I went to the VyStar bank at 9 AM and got my card canceled and ordered a new one. Of course that is a royal pain as every place, including my PayPal account that I have saved my Vystar card, will need to go change several auto pay accounts. I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items; having our Smokin D’s barbecue dinner tonight with all the family. 
Ginger has been very well-behaved. Miles even said he wanted to keep coming back to so he could pet her, Ginger has been very good with the children. She was very calm for her. The only time she was barking was when she had to greet everybody as I greeted guests at the front door, and after that she was a nice dog and played outside with us and inside and basically just blended in with the family. She was a good puppy. Ate leftover BBQ, so much leftover!
Marsha brought Pearl and Miles over for a visit and in the pool even though it was a cloudy, windy day.
Tuesday 6th: Marsha and Carl cooked breakfast for us, delicious individual egg muffins, pumpkin muffins, fruit, sausage and gravy with biscuits. Plus more pool time in the sprinkling rain! We did drive around the island looking at homes for sale - most still out of our price range!
We packed up and ate more leftovers for dinner. 
We left the Airbnb on Wednesday morning (see next post). I did send a list of items for the owner to improve upon, very nice home, just a bit pricey for us to rent on a regular basis.

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