Sunday, July 21, 2024

Maine Sunday with Family on LSL!

Sunday 07/21/24: We were a little too early to pick up the Amato sandwiches Mom ordered. So decided to stop at Hilary's home to give her the glassware from Charlotte/Larry's estate. We had a nice visit with new puppy Monty (6 months old and probably 60 pounds!), Mia, did not see her cat. 
We drove into my Mom's home, and Terri (who was deathly sick a week ago) was there, along with Andrew, Britney, Chloe, Melissa, Mom, Aunt Patti (Patricia), Jim and Mike. Hilary came a bit later (without her dogs). Happy we took some group photos.
The "older generation" of cousins:
Andrew and Britney both took a practice swim:
Blueberry buckle!
Love being back home!

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