Sunday, June 16, 2024

Week of June 10th - 2024

Monday: Slow mornings! I think that is good - AA slept in until 7:30 a.m. Ford's radiation was at 10:30. Afterward, made a trip to Publix for summer roll ingredients (we were going to get two take out Chinese dinners to have with them - but were full after eating four each). The recipe is from Valerie Bertinelli and I didn't do the final step of making the bottoms crispy (adding back to fry pan) - they were delicious but next time will follow all the steps. I made the dipping sauce from my Asian meatball recipe. Softening the rice paper with warm water, took about 9 seconds:

Assembling with jalapeno peppers, cooked/marinated salmon, carrot strips, avocado and cilantro:
AA studied for her biology final on and off during the day and we spent 1.5 hours cutting out all the VBS shapes (still need to make the two octopuses). 
Made a new recipe - marinated olives for happy hour tomorrow.
Tuesday: AA was up early for her AICE Biology final, after, the teens went to Chick Fil for breakfast/lunch - AA only had a shake.
Radiation and PT in the afternoon.
River House happy hour, I took the new marinated olives, which they all seemed to like. Michelle was back from her Paris trip and gave us each a small memento of the Eiffel Tower.
Wednesday: We went to Ford's radiation appointment, stopped at Starbucks for a lemonade and unsweet passion tea. Ford now has saline solution and gauze to put on his head daily in addition to the Aquafer (3x daily). AA and I finished the legs and assembled the VBS octopus.
Lunch at home of salad and leftover spaghetti. We called Penny, chatted and agreed to meet for lunch on June 21st.
For dinner we ate at the new Fleming Island, Barley and Pie. It was only half full (we went early, 5:00 p.m.), noisy, picnic tables, order at counter but friendly staff. The menu is limited with only pizza (where Mellow Mushroom and V's Pizza have extensive menus), and maybe a dozen draft beers to choose from. Ford had a red ale and a brown ale (he liked best). I tasted the West Coast IPA, the Fleming Island IPA and one other, I chose the West Coast to have a pint. Overall, a nice place, a bit pricey but should be popular with families (especially if Gramps is paying!).
Thursday: Radiation was very early, so AA and I could leave for the UF tour in Gainesville. We brought back a Satchel's salad and a pizza for our dinner. See separate post.
Friday: We slept in a little, at least had a better amount of sleep. I started the morning with doing laundry (all bedding on my bed - bedspread, shams, etc.), drove to Ford's radiation appointment, then a trip to Publix. AA and I made a broccoli pasta salad and sloppy joe (in crock pot), both for our dinner. Lunch was leftover Satchel's pizza. I drove Ford to his PT appointment, then filled up truck with gas. After getting home, AA and I went out to do a few Father's Day shopping (we also bought a few things at UF yesterday). We watched one episode of The Gilmore Girls (Fall of 2000) as we know it was one of Leaa's favorite shows - it was okay but seems like the writers tried to fit in every catchy phrase and sarcastic phrase every minute. Cute but not for us. We had our dinner and then dishes and working on this blog - Ford watched the NBA Celtics lose to the Mavericks in game #4.
SaturdayI slept in until about 6:30 which was great as Ford settled down and slept in his chair also. After making my morning coffee, I usually play a few games of solitaire on non-school mornings, just to wake me up while it’s quiet in the morning. I have been wanting to bake something so with Father’s Day tomorrow, I found a chocolate pound cake recipe in Charlotte‘s Hershey’s chocolate cookbook. I made the chocolate poundcake recipe which includes instant coffee in it, made individual small poundcake or small loaf cakes, similar to what I do in the fall with pumpkin bread. I also made one round cake to keep for Ford for Father’s Day tomorrow. 
I finished baking the cakes just in time to drive to the Parkinson’s caregivers meeting at 10: 00 a.m.  The meeting lasted two hours and was very informative with two speakers about Assisting Hands and the other one is a consultant for making your home elder, Parkinson, fall proofing services. 
We all chatted around the table about other concerns and heard about Sandy May's trip to the national parks and how she accommodated her husband, Ozzie, and their daughter Emma, who was helpful. It’s good to hear these other stories of what’s going on and where the disease symptoms mitigated. I drove home chatting with my mom on the truck phone. She seems to be doing better after a week from her skin surgery on her leg and skin graph. It is still painful but it is healing properly per her doctors visit yesterday on Friday.  Ford, Alyzabeth and I had lunch of leftover pasta salad, Alyzabeth ate her calzone, and leftover olive appetizer; plus pimento cheese sandwiches. We have plenty of sloppy Joe left overs for dinner tonight. We watched the 2018 movie On the Basis of Sex (Ruth Bader Ginsberg), very good. 
Next, I made my usual appetizer of cherry tomato, basil, mozzarella cheese on a toothpick for our River House happy hour; I gave Hugh four of the mini chocolate cakes and Kathy one; a good visit, including Karrie Masse. After dinner, we watched part of a Star Wars Movie, part of The Greatest Showman, then bedtime!
Sunday: Separate post. Happy Father's Day!

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