Thursday, June 13, 2024

University of Florida Tour - Thursday 06/13/24

Alyzabeth drove to Gainesville in the truck, using the truck so she gets some practice as we will be driving it to Maine in July - and she rarely (never) drives it. She did excellent driving both ways (I did drive to Satchels after the tour to pick up our take-out dinner).

Before we left - a quick potty walk for Ginger:
During our drive, somehow while I was talking about directions, we were heading SW, etc. AA said "Never Eat Soggy Waffles" - I never heard that before, she explained, at OPE, that's what they said to help them remember the four directions. Then she remembered the letters for the planets. I said the music as AGBDF and FACE. AA remembered it as All good boys are fine; mine was All good boys deserve fudge! So what about us girls? Googling - I found this - too funny!
We arrived at the parking garage an hour early, which was fine, we relaxed, got our bearings and headed to the bookstore/welcome center. It was so close - connected to the parking garage.
We killed time by looking over the UF sale merchandise and checking out everything from t-shirts, rain ponchos, Father's Day gift(s) and Ginger's birthday gifts. We were successful and purchased some items after the tour. AA did choose a car key chain (two) as she needed one for her Subaru key and house key. 
We went to the Welcome center auditorium at 12:45 and the introduction video began right on time at 1:00 p.m. Our Staff speaker was amazing.
Our student leader works in the Admissions Office, she is from Miami, took the IB program in high school, and ended at UF when she was not accepted at any Ivy League school - but she loves it at UF (and said any future kid of hers will go to UF). Tour ended at the stadium:
Outside the stadium:
Once home, we dove into our The Major pizza, cheese calzone and Satchel's salad - delicious!

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