Sunday, June 09, 2024

Week of June 3rd - 2024

Monday, June 3rd: The daily radiation treatments continue, most now being in the morning, except for Thursday's, I changed so Ford could go to his Parkinson exercises once a week. I took Ford to his Parkinson's exercise class this morning, then went to my Doctor's appointment. I was prescribed an antibiotic and told to take Mucinex and a multi-vitamin, nothing very significant. We went to Time out deli for lunch (AA ate the large Greek salad, I had pita pocket with hummus and tabouli, Ford had the camel rider combo). Then off to Ford's radiation treatment, then to Publix and the bank. Once home, AA and I booked her campus tours for FSU (Tallahassee) and UF (Gainesville). Then a little rest time before dinner.

Tuesday: We slept in a bit until 7 AM, we both had a rough night, didn’t sleep much during the night. We picked up the house, started laundry, did the dishes, took showers, everything getting ready before Donna arrived at 9:30. Ford's radiation treatment was at 9:30 so we left the house at a little after nine. After his treatment, we went to the post office and mailed a box of photo albums to Laurel Webster in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, then went to the license bureau (DMV Clay County) in Green Cove Springs - to get a motorcycle license plate for the 650 Yamaha that we got from Larry Bradley. After that we went to Mariachi's Restaurant for lunch. We had never been there and are wanting to take Alyzabeth to a few new restaurants this summer. The food was good. I had a shrimp taco and a fish taco with beans and rice; Alyzabeth had a mariachi burrito and Ford had the trio lunch special, which was a beef taco, beef enchilada with beans and rice.  It was fairly good, certainly not bad, I would give them a six or seven rating out of ten. 
We went to the bank to deposit our escrow check refund as we paid off our mortgage (now we have to save for our taxes and homeowners insurance on our own since it won’t be coming out of our mortgage payment).  Went home and chatted with Donna, took a little bit of a break while Rick "Bugman" sprayed the outside of our house, annual treatment for bugs. Then at 3 PM Ford and I drove to his physical therapy on Kingsley. I walked a few steps, too hot (92 degrees) and sunny! Went to our happy hour - River House at 4:30, I made a new recipe called cowboy caviar, which we’ve never had, it’s healthy with onions, bell pepper, black beans, black-eyed peas, cilantro, corn, pickled jalapeƱos, plus Italian salad dressing. The group (including Karrie - she said she has made it before) really liked it. Back home we had bruschetta again for dinner and some of the cowboy caviar and leftover mango salsa. The new America’s Got Talent show is on now which we watch, then it was bedtime.
Wednesday: A lazy morning, went to Ford's radiation at 12:45 and met with Dr. Cassidy - all good so far, Ford is feeling the "burn" and some itching. After, we put gas in the truck, and made our almost daily trek to Publix. The afternoon was slow as Ford rests while the Ativan pill wears off, Ford and AA both napped during a heavy rainstorm. Dinner was panini chicken-pesto sandwiches made by Alyzabeth. Nothing exciting going on!
Thursday: Ford went to his Parkinson exercises, then radiation in the afternoon (AA took him). I saw Steve for my hair coloring. 
Dinner was leftover steak made into a stir-fry with bell peppers and green onions - no one thought it was spectacular - just okay, decent. I added a chopped fresh jalapeno pepper for a little spice, just not enough flavor - but good enough. Recipe was from Test Kitchen/Cook's Country - good ideas on tenderizing beef.
We watched the original Mary Poppins and noticed how she said "schedule" - sounds like seduals. I cancelled the Airbnb home in Panama City - opted instead for the pet friendly Marriott where Bill and Joan are staying.
Friday: Drove the truck to Suburban, due for an oil change. I went to Publix to buy tartar sauce and stuff for tomorrow's happy hour appetizer. Drove Ford to his daily radiation treatment, he has lost all his hair on top, and has a mean sunburn/red scalp. AA and I ate leftovers for lunch; Ford wasn't hungry - so later took him to Sweet Sensations for an outlaw chicken salad sandwich, which he ate half.
Ford made fried fish (Justin caught/gave us) and hush puppies (Nana Joy's recipe). 
We had mashed fresh strawberries over vanilla ice cream, a rare treat.
Saturday: Easy morning, leftovers for AA's breakfast (fried fish!). I am eating yogurt as I am still on an antibiotic pill. AA met Siyan at the library, studying for their last AICE final - Biology. They got a Tropical Smoothie for lunch and ran around at the adjoining playground.
Usual stuff - laundry, dishes, watering outside plants, I tackled the one chair in our room that was covered with winter stuff, photos and LB's stuff. Ford and I drove to RAM but didn't find a parking spot so went to Moon River for lunch - love the salads and pizza by the slice.
River House Happy Hour; I made cucumber salmon bites (sour cream, dill, capers, smoked salmon on a cucumber round). 
Everyone liked, but we had too much food: Karrie brought a Pub Cheese spread, Kathy brough guacamole, Hugh brought Mexican Street Corn dip - all with chips. It was hot sitting outside, so did move inside when the band needed to set up for a private party.
We had leftover fried fish for dinner, watched the Belmont Stakes (Seize the Gray did not win).
Sunday: Great-Nephew Brandon's Graduation today (separate post). I made it to church with 25 Dunkin Donut holes, and I brought home VBS shapes to cut out. AA and I drove to Carolyn's (and Alex) - took flowers, Fresh Market Chicken Pot Pie, a veggie salad and glass bottles, I added to her recycle bin. We enjoyed sandwiches from Jason Deli and a jump in her pool - very nice! Carolyn gave me a cucumber from her garden and maybe some onions next time. 
We found gasoline at $3.03/gal - great price! So filled up AA's car.
At home we had leftovers, hotdogs and AA ate her frozen boiled peanuts! We watched a new Grantchester show - recapping seasons 4 - 8; describing the new season 9. We had a few laughs (easy to make fun of the Brits) and then a laugh in her bedroom saying goodnight (she was poking me - trying to have Ginger "Get me" - so I tried slapping her and missed twice hitting myself - too funny - you had to be there). 

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