Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 13th - May 19th

Monday: We had our usual morning getting Alyzabeth off to school with breakfast and her lunch. We had a stressful day waiting on news about Melissa's emergency surgery on Sunday. She seems to be recovering, needs a few more days in ICU, Terri has been providing updates.
We started cooking the remaining raw country style ribs; Ford had frozen the extras that we did not cook yesterday, decided to cook the rest of them up today and have pork tacos for dinner tonight. After about an hour of our own time, getting ready, we went to Ford’s Parkinson exercises, I dropped him off and then went to Pat‘s Nursery and bought a roll of weed barrier fabric and six more bags of mulch. Once back to the Parkinson’s exercises at the Catholic Church, I walked for about 25 minutes while chatting with mom and we had no new information about Melissa, except that she was still in ICU and they would be working her through all the steps to get her to a regular hospital room in a day or two.  After the exercises, drove to the bank and deposited the check for the black Subaru (sold on Sunday to Greg at Suburban) then to ABC liquor and bought a case of champagne as we are bringing champagne to Liv's high school graduation party (after her graduation, which will be at Tristan‘s mom‘s home). We went to the eye doctor and purchased boxes of contacts for Alyzabeth and then to Publix for our grocery shopping - met up and chatted with David at Publix. He’s the golfer that has a dad that’s in the Massachusetts Hall of Fame. Once home we had leftovers for lunch and I started working in the yard doing landscaping, etc.
Pork tacos for an early dinner - AA went to a biology review session.
And catching up on miscellaneous stuff.
“I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.” — Scout Finch
My political statement for the week. Back to basics - Human rights are for all humans. 

Trying to not get stressed about #45's criminal trials - just know he will get off scott free - somehow he has people believing that everyone is against him. He is so rude, a bully, scummy and lies yet people vote for him!
Chris Brown posted pictures of Charlotte's car - Cheverolet Z24 1988:
Tuesday, 14th: We drove to Ford's PT, it was pouring rain, then stopped, so I did walk a little chatting with Mom. Ford and I went to Lowe's, purchased potting soil (for large pot in front yard), Roundup and bug spray. At Public, bought ingredient for Katie's Corn Dip as the appetizer for the River House. We went to Sweet Sensations for lunch and ran into Pastor Faith and her Mom (up from Fort Walton Beach to hear Abigail's school chorus concert). We chatted about her motorcycles and accidents (scar on forehead), a little about our history with the church and what to do with all of Charlotte's religious/Catholic items. We got back in our truck to discover tiny ants in Ford's soda - so bought ant traps at Walmart - hope they kill them all! I made bruschetta for dinner (after going to the River House - I took corn dip). AA stayed after school for her history review. Continued raining - a few storms have been rolling in, yesterday and today. watched the Voice, will be down to five contestants.
Basil plant, Hugh was going to throw it out, I think it is thriving in its new pot.
Wednesday: Worked on blog and got organized - getting ready to finish some tasks so Larry's probate can be closed.
Ford's CAT scan at Cancer Specialists. Pork tacos for dinner.
Thursday: Ford did not go to his Parkinson exercises; he had a back doctor appointment (Dr. Gil). All is good so far, so next appointment is three months out. We went to European Street for lunch, our usual sandwiches, Firey Turkey and Prince Andrew Heros. I took a quick walk around Memorial Park.
Marsha texted about finishing Larry/Charlotte's rocking chair - she's amazing!
We had a short-lived fright when Chris Brown called and said Marie had no records of him inheriting Larry's Middleburg property - I emailed, and all straightened out.
We left at 4:40 p.m. for Dylan's school dance recital. It was very professional, and not too long! Dylan is talented and plans to continue at the Jacksonville's Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. There were many students who shouted so loud when their favorite dancer was on the stage. A few family photos from Dylan's 8th Grade Murray School Dance (a Mother's Day gift from Leaa - a UCF t-shirt), giving Leaa 8 bottles of champagne for next Tuesday night (Graduation toast) and we drove home.
Friday: See separate post. Justin sent a photo of his fishing catch - red fish.
Saturday: We did house chores (AA vacuumed, we did laundry, dishes, etc.). AA and I went to the early movie (10:00 a.m.) to watch The Fall Guy with Ryan Gosling. Very good, funny, "Shoot Em Up" scenes, tons of stunts (everyone should have died 100 times!) a bit incomplete story line - not sure how the lead actor (who Ryan G. doubles as his stuntman) gets hooked up with the "bad guys". 
AA and I went to Walmart to pick up a few items and Ford's prescriptions. With a little time to prepare the spaghetti sauce for dinner, we were off to the River House to meet with Kathy. Hugh and Maureen are in Tampa visiting family. Once we were home, eating dinner of spaghetti, we watched the Preakness (black-eyed-susan flowers) and AA picked the gray horse to win - Seize the Gray - and he won! We texted with Kathy and she said she picked him too - because she has always had a crush on the trainer (he's 88 years old now and she is 85!!). Too funny!
Sunday: Had coffee, chatted with Terri, Melissa is still recovering in the hospital - chest tube is out, watching the fluid in her lungs and her white blood cell count. I went to church, then we all went to Hawkers for lunch - the place was half empty - what a relief that we didn't have any wait to get a table. Food was delicious - but remind me not to order the spring rolls (only two of them and they are deep fried). We stopped at Fishweir Creek Brewery for a beer (Midway and Fishweir IPA) - just for Ford. Short visit and back home. 
The Blunk's dropped off the AT&T modem I needed and then told me they have not changed the electric and water in their names! I will disconnect tomorrow and put in a change of address order!
We watched a recap of All Creatures Great and Small, had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner, then the American Idol Finale.

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