Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday, May 17, 2024 FIHS & Awards

Friday: I attended AA's Junior school awards, she received the Principal's Scholar Honor (grade ave over 3.75). Siyan and Noah received awards but didn't get a photo (I didn't stay until the end, got Ford to his Quest appointment).
Owen Kinder received an award for French:
Then I drove Ford to have his annual blood drawn at Quest, ran into Dave Buffin (FIUMC). Ford had his "dry run" for the radiation treatment, and we got the seven-week daily schedule.
We went to Time Out Deli for chicken salad sandwiches (brought half home for AA's after school snack). I worked on getting Larry's accounting sheet together, getting near the end of probate and finally closed the AT&T account. Ford chatted with Justin, he's been catching red fish.
One Good Ring was playing at Colonial Oak Park, but we decided not to drive back over to St. Augustine. Leaa sent pictures of Dylan's 8th Grade dance.

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