Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Alivia's High School Graduation!

Our second granddaughter has graduated from St. Augustine High School! She was named in many awards. Family Photos over the years: 2010:

2024: Liv and Tristen Langhorne:
Ford and I headed over to Saint Augustine amphitheater to go to Liv‘s graduation ceremony. We met Carl and Marsha at Tristen‘s Mom's house on San Juan St; then drove and parked at the amphitheater, we were one of the last cars to get in, can’t believe how crowded it was. Leaa saved us seats so we sat together with Nicole, Jordan, Avery, Mila, Cara Pearl, Justin, Kilee, Carl and Marsha. Alyzabeth did not go as she had two AICE tests the next day, a make-up math test and her college algebra test. It was a good graduation ceremony, the speakers were very nice and short, thankfully as after about an hour they started handing out the 420+ diplomas.  We saw Liv walk across the stage, and then Ford was needing to go stand and move around due to his back sitting in the chairs. During the opening of the national anthem, the Color Guard presentation, and Liv with other chorus members sang the song. We drove with Carl and Marsha back to Tristan‘s Mom‘s (Martha) home, but Carl was a bit anxious and hungry so he drove back to his home. There was some communication where Marsha felt she needed to get home so we drove her home and then back to the graduation party.  The party was very sweet, lots of food plus Liv‘s home baked cupcakes and our Rice Krispie treats plus a chocolate cake and plenty of munch food (a professional charcuterie board). It was very good along with a champagne toast (we provided 8 bottles). We are so proud of Liv and Tristen who will both go to UCF this fall.  We drove home and of course Ginger woke up barking so poor Alyzabeth got her sleep disturbed, we were in bed by about 1 AM.
Liv singing:
At Martha's home:

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