Monday, May 03, 2021

Post COVID-19 - Things to KEEP!

List of the New Normal:

Washing hands more frequently,
Washing masks, washing reusable bags more frequently,
Using your own pen (no more crowd sharing pens),
Walking, hiking and biking more often, being outdoors!
Remote working and video conferencing for meetings (saves gas, clothes budget, save travel time, etc. BUT may increase home cost with additional climate control when they were normally at work, no office equipment support, etc.),
Videoing, remote viewing with family and friends, "ZOOM",
Restaurants outside patios,
To-go cocktails/drinks,
Hand sanitizer stations,
Masks when you are in a crowd or you have a virus (cold, flu, etc.),
Masks for all cooking staff (or I won't patronize),
Redefine "Full Capacity", reduce allowed numbers to allow for space between patrons,
Company policy for paid sick time off (increase it), versus "annual leave" (which encourages employees to go to work sick),
Standing in line space markers, let's keep our distances, keep our "personal space",
Plastic shield barriers for cashiers, receptionists, walk up payment-type areas,
No more pushing buttons on key pads (like entering your PIN), use a piece of cloth or elbow,
No more hand shakes, the elbow bump is good enough and the fist bump can transfer some germs, albeit much less. Maybe your hand over your heart, a wave, a PEACE sign - ‘Will you interact with me in harmony?'”. (“Shaking hands, high fives, hugs, and kisses are modes of greeting to be abandoned at this point. Social greetings, a head nod, or pretty much any action that enables one to avoid direct touch or contact.”),
Using the elevator less, taking the stairs, better and you get the exercise (if you are able),
No more communal food stations, more individual servings (think no more salad bars),

Plan for safe, low risk social interactions, we all got lonely during 2020, start planning for gatherings outdoors: birthday parties, lawn games, picnics, water sports (kayaking, paddle boarding, canoeing, etc.), meeting at a park...... Keep the numbers low and have several events with fewer people.
More gratitude for health care providers, teachers, food industry workers, etc.

AND, defiantly I spent less money!! 

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