Friday, August 30, 2024

Monday 08/26/2024

Monday 26th: Ford had a morning nap, I did laundry, polished the "everyday" silverplate we use daily (then packed away as we don't need it with right now), chatted with Terri - and she coined the phrase when she is exhausted "she's sags". Got ready, drove to Parkinson exercises. After, we went to Moon River for salads and a slice of pizza (which we always bring home more than half). Cooked for dinner of peppers, garlic, Italian sausage. and pasta.

Laundry, stripped bed sheets, got ready for Donna, tomorrow.
AA has a slight fever, don't think it can be from her vaccine last week, she has a runny nose - so gave her some liquid Tylenol before bedtime.
Tuesday 27th: Donna came and cleaned our home. Drove Ford to his PT, I walked a little, in my new Converse sneakers - only thing I notice is my feet feel hot - I always wear open toed sandals. 
Spoke to Mom about the counteroffer on her land boundary dispute resolution. We ate lunch at Maple Street Biscuit, and shopped at Walmart, bought new silk/fake flowers for LB/Charlotte's grave. Once home, I made the brie cheese, cranberry sauce, pistachio nuts appetizer in a phyllo shell. At the River House, we chatted with Hugh, Maureen, Kathy and Karrie. Hugh's brother passed on Tuesday, he was 98 and mind still sharp. They will fly up to Pittsburgh for the funeral.
AA and I both feel a little off - temperature is almost normal, around 99 degrees. Hopefully, our bodies are fighting off this virus.
Wednesday 28th: I drove AA to school while her green Subaru is getting its 120,000-mile check-up. Larry did a comprehensive maintenance on it in September 2021 and nothing since. So to make sure all is up to date, Suburban (Greg) is taking care of us to the tune of $1000. It only has 5000 more miles on it and will not have much while AA only drives it to school and back. As it turns out, while trying to clear the low tire alarm, somehow the key fobs don't work now. Greg will make a new appointment to reprogram the "module".
I made berry scones, the triangles are too large (8), will try one more time and make them like my biscuits, in rounds and make 12.
We ordered some birthday gifts for AA, ate leftovers for lunch at home, dug out the Morgan genealogy tub of papers - copied the Morgan story (in Advance, MO) and sent to Joan. She wanted to know how the Morgan Funeral Home began initially.

I made the crock pot recipe of orange chicken and rice, with broccolini. 
AA still has a cold and is studying for a calculus test (tutor session with Laurie) and a government test. I walked Ginger, took a shower, ready for bed! My treat for driving AA to class and picking her up! And it lasted me for three mornings, love the taste!
Thursday 29th: We went to Ford's Parkinson exercises, I walked and talked with Mom about Andrew's Dad, Tom's DNA, I will look him up on my Ancestry account (didn't find anything new). We drove to Spring Park Coffee shop, texted Dave and Julia Chilton, drank lemonade and iced tea. Picked up salmon and salad kit for our dinner. We ate leftovers for lunch at home. I "tried" to go through a box of memorabilia I have saved for over ten years - hard getting rid of any of it..... sad, such great memories.
Friday 30th: Today is Joan's surgery, terrible news of her cancer and how bad it is. Kaci sent out a text while Joan was in recovery, will be there for about 7 days. Hugh and Maureen left for Pittsburgh; his older brother passed. And it's Andrew's birthday, #37.
Slow morning, Ford has not slept well for several weeks - his legs and feet bother him, not sure if that is due to him stopping his prescription gabapentin; will check with Dr. Legacy on September 5th. Alyzabeth went to her pre-op for the diagnostic orthoscopic surgery, no news - wait until the day before for her actual schedule. Dinner was leftover orange chicken and rice with some steamed broccoli, we watched one more Downton episode, it's starting to get boring, we need to find more interesting shows.
AA is still getting over her cold/virus. I seemed to have some of the same symptoms but not as bad. She made it through school with a media presentation, government quiz, calculus quiz, plus Spanish tutoring with Laureen.
A few political meme's to end the week, plus the news of Trump's disrespectful visit to the Arlington Cemetery. He's unbelievably "all about me", he's not a "team" person, bullies people of all backgrounds, plays victim when others try to hold him accountable or criticizes him, he lies even when the video tape shows the truth, he surrounds himself with others who do not know the constitution or know how to govern, and he does not educate or improve his knowledge (again - he attacks anyone who corrects him), he blames others, calls them stupid, clowns, horrible; calls women names by their appearance, if you praise him or donate money, he will not criticize them (example; Putin), calls media dishonest when he disagrees, all this points to a dictatorship. He's been through several bankruptcies (when he began with $400 million of his Dad's money), he is dishonest - not paying for work performed, he bullies people, lies thousands of times - we are dizzy with trying to counteract with truths. He's an awful man.

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