Saturday, September 03, 2022

Week of August 29th

Monday: Made a chocolate sheet cake for Hugh's birthday, took over a plate (six slices/pieces) with candles and another container (four pieces) for him to freeze. 
Ford went to his Parkinson exercise session then to Publix for our weekly groceries. AA's dentist appointment after school. Coach Nedrich was not as school due to his Dad's failing health and now has recently passed. Called Larry Bradley (was going to take him some chocolate cake) and found out he has been sick for a few days, advised him to call 911 if he gets any worse.
Tuesday: Breakfast at Carl and Marsha's, chatting about the family issue (Christa/Lawrence). We resolved to talk with C&W soon. 
Picked up AA and took her to the FIHS Golf Match at FIGC. FI won! AA came in 2nd place scoring.
Wednesday: Ford's eye appointment with Clay Eye. Cultured Collective Brewing Co. (835 Park Ave.) with Hugh, Maureen and Kathy. We enjoyed the area and will go back, especially on Wednesday for half price wine bottles.
Dinner was chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots.
Thursday: FIHS Golf Match was postponed due to rain, thunder, lightning.
Friday: We visited with Larry B., he's waiting for a date for his biopsy on his liver. Did some grocery shopping. Then we went to the Bailey's to drop off the Maine maple syrup, blueberry syrup and pancake mix (I bought in Maine), sausage plus a gift card from Maple Street Biscuit and the new Go Gold mini-donuts (16).
JAX Cooking Class with AA was a blast - separate post.
Saturday: River House was nice with Hugh, Maureen and Kathy (cheese spread from Hugh, hummus from Kathy and my tomato/mozzarella cheese, basil, balsamic on toothpicks/skewers). 
Sunday: I prepared for Justin and Cara's birthday at Leaa's. Made a strawberry cake and frosting plus pattied 36 "slider" sized burgers. AA went to a Painting with A Twist (Fruit Cove) with the Bailey family (separate posts).

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