Tuesday, November 17, 2009

AA's Birthday Gift to Daddy

Cousin Sarah suggested hand prints for a birthday gift for AA to make for her Daddy when I posed the question on Facebook (I love Facebook for quick posts and even quicker replies when I ask a question).
AA loves painting but doesn't have the concept of covering the paper; she tends to slop paint on the same spot and using the paint brush, mixes it until the paper disintegrates! We practiced several times with her hand prints but AA thought wiggling her fingers made it much better!

After drying, popped it in a frame and presto, a great gift for Daddy!

Thanks Sarah for the idea!

We enjoyed another treat for DH's birthday.... celebrating seemed to come easy this month and this impromptu extra treat was sweet!! Carrot cake cupcakes (store bought) and vanilla ice cream. A very RARE treat in this house!!

BTW, AA has graduated to regular teaspoons for eating. No more baby spoons for her!!


Unknown said...

Precious, im sure he loved it!

Two Brothers Waiting said...

Beautiful frame, what a great idea!

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

What a sweet gift! Love the idea of carrot cake cupcakes...yummy!

Happy Birthday to AA's daddy!


Kim said...

Love the gift idea... and great goodie...
Have a great week.

Nina said...

What a great idea! I love it!

Happy birthday, Ford :)

bbmomof2boys said...

Happy Birthday Ford! AA did a wonderful job on her hand prints. That wiggling of her fingers thing just means that she is creative and independant.


Shane & Irma said...

AWWWW, I love the picture frame. Is o special and is from the heart. He will remember this for ever..

Happy B-day Mr Ford.

Dita said...

Best give EVER, AA........love the little carrot cakes...they are my FAVORITE!

Vivian M said...

Happy belated birthday Ford!

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