Sunday, July 26, 2009

Three Word Sunday is Back!

Do you remember the "Three Word Sunday" posts? This lovely lady organized it by making a weekly video of everyone's photos, so hop over to her blog and sign up. We really enjoyed it as it helped us stay in contact with mostly other waiting families. We participated several times, here's a few past posts.

Here's her instructions (plus a few other rules you need to read on her blog):
If we have enough participants, lets start the first 3 Word Sunday NEXT Sunday. So it would be SUNDAY AUGUST 2nd. Let me know if you are going to play along, if we don’t have enough players, I can’t make the movies, and LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU POST THE PICTURE.

Join the fun! Share the news!


kitchu said...

I am so excited about these- and really excited about doing my first one :O) heehee!!

Don and Be said...

We're on!