Monday, September 15, 2008

Today Is The Day

We just finished breakfast and at 9 am I am meeting with our other guide, Anita, who will take us to the bank to exchange our "perfect" American currency :) into Chinese currency as we prepare to pay adoption fees. We were very fortunate in that we were able to wire the actual adoption fee (sometimes called "child rearing" fee). It's been a relief not having to carry the additional cash around with you every second of every day while on the journey.
Aly has prepared all our Red bags and envelopes so we think we are ready on that front. At 1 pm today Aly will meet with Marie (in the hotel conference room) to complete our adoption papers that we will submit to the Chinese registry.

The little ones will begin arriving at our hotel at 2 pm with some arriving as late as 4 or 5 pm. The exact time depends on their train schedule or the traffic they encounter if arriving by bus. I don't want to call it tension but you can definitely detect a shift in the mood of the families. Every one is still smiling and friendly but you can sense the anticipation. The anxiety. Our nervousness coming out in a myriad of subtle yet visible emotional glimpses.
It's good to see that if only to let us know we are not alone in feeling happy and scared... All at the same time.

Once we have Alyzabeth and are back in our room, I'll work up a short (unedited :) video of Alyzabeth as she was placed in her mother's arms for the first time...
It may only be a video minus any actual posting. Then again, you may not be able to shut me up :) I think you all know what I mean.

Included in this post is a short video of this mornings breakfast and a very quick peek of the bank exchange. I wasn't too sure that filming in the bank was a cool thing to do so it's quick and somewhat jerky. And it was HOT and HUMID in there!

The next time we post, we will be sharing our ALYZABETH AN with you.
Imagine that!!!
ac & fm


Michelle said...

Can. Not. Wait. to see that video.

Truly Blessed said...

OMW -- I just cannot wait.

I understand that "subtle shift" of which you spoke. BTDT (twice!). The next few hours will rock your world and your lives will never be the same.

Adoption rocks!!!

Kelly And Allison said...

Can't wait to see your video. I bet everyone is nervous right now. Few more hours. You will have your daughter with you. How exciting!!


Daniella said...

Can not wait for your next video. Sounds like ccai (our agency also) is awesome with this part of the journey as they have been throughout. I am so glad to have them. So excited for your family. It is 9:50 I fl right now.

Brownie Troop 157 said...

Good luck to, dad, and daughter...on this truly momentous day.

Kind regards from Miami,

Carol and Taylor

Chani's Bow Making Mama said...

Such an exciting day for you. Enjoy every minute!

the mommy said...

We have been following with bated breath. We are so happy to read you are having a good time. We can feel your anticipation, it is so wonderful.W e can't wait to see Alyzabeth in your arms

C's Mom said...

I am SO excited. I can only begin to imagine how you must feel.

Catherine said...

Praying now and setting alarm to wake me up at 2am to pray around the time you're going to meet your sweet baby girl!!

Loving the video diaries!!! Have passed your site on to a few friends so that they can enjoy your story too.

SOOOO excited! 3 hours and counting!!!

Kim said...

I am sooo excited..
can' wait to see the next video...
Bring on Alyzabeth An...
Hugs to you both...

frogglet said...

Can't wait to see that video! I am going to be checking early in the morning! How exciting!

Don and Be said...

Oy! Anxiously awaiting the premiere of Alyzabeth An's first appearance on video. We will sign on first thing in the morning - can't wait!
Love you 3.

AandAsMama said...

Imagine Alyzabeth An...It's easy if you try. That is what pulled me into your blog the first time I saw it about 2 weeks ago. And it has brought tears to my eyes every time I have read it since. It reminds me of something my Great Grandmother said to me the first time I saw her since I was a baby. I was 17 and she was very ill. She hugged me so tight and just held me and cried and cried and said over and over again, "All of my life I have loved you! All of my life I have loved you!". That was the most powerful, meaningful and emotional thing anyone has said to me my whole life. And it was the fist thing I said to my sweet baby boy after he was born and laid on my chest. The words are so different yet they say the same thing. It is just all consuming love that you are born with for not only your child but also your children's children, and so on. Every time I read "Imagine Alyzabeth An...It's easy if you try" I hear my Great Grandmother saying "all of my life I have loved you." And it makes me cry with joy and happiness. Alyzabeth An has been so loved by you both her whole life. And I think that she knows that too.

I am sorry for such a crazy long post. I just really felt the need to share that with you today as you get ready for hold your beautiful Alyzabeth An in your arms for the first time.

Love and Peace To Your Family

Lisa and Tate said...

SOOOOOO very excited! I can never quite say enough "Thank yous" for sharing the videos, and the experience.