Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We Have Alyzabeth!

Alyzabeth is old enough to know that her world has turned upside down...

Our beautiful daughter had definitely BONDED with her caregiver and when her nanny turned her over to Aly and then left - well, it was heart breaking! Bless her heart, we feel so bad for her knowing that her grieving process is so painful. Our hearts literally break for her.

I stayed behind while Aly took her to our room and finished a bit more paperwork, thanked the orphanage director and presented the Red Bag gifts. Alyzabeth and mama and baba are going to have a few rough days and nights as our little one comes to know us, comes to trust us...
What we do know is that she can bond, has bonded and one day will develop that bond with us. It will take time. Patience. And lots of love...

We'll post later as right now we have a little parenting and a lot of hugging and loving to do for one scared little girl.

ac & fm & aa


Suzie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Alyzabeth is even more beautiful than her photos. Many blessings to you all.

Christine said...

YOU HAVE HER!!!! I woke up in the middle of the night and jumped out of bed thinking maybe A and F have Alyzabeth!!! Oh she is adorable!! Enjoy and I will be thinking and praying for you and Alyzabeth as you get to know one another.
Life is Good!
God Bless

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Wooohooo this is SO incredibly excellent... I am so happy for you guys... take care

Diana said...

She is even more BEAUTIFUL then the pictures (if that is possible)
I have happy tears for ALL of you. I hope you got a little sleep and Alyzabeth bonds fast with both of you.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I love clicking refresh on the night shift. This is a great habit.
How beautiful

Don and Be said...

Wonderful to see you all together as a family. It's 2:30 AM here in Clifornia. J Mei woke us up especially so we would check your blog - thank you for sharing - we are SO jazzed.
Love you 3,
D, B& JM

a Tonggu Momma said...

A couple of years ago, a ton of people on A-P-C (pre-RQ) created a list called "you know you've adopted from China when..."

I thought of two of those things tonight. 1) You always feel immense joy when you see someone receive a referral and when they meet their child, no matter how long it's been since you adopted. 2) You have witnessed the grief and terror of a very small child on one of the happiest days of your life.

Blessings to you!!!!

A Beautiful Mess said...

Congrats! She is a beautiful girl:)

Praying for comfort (and sleep) for all of you, but especially you sweet girl as she make this transition.

happy and safe travels!

Dawn said...

Hooray!!! You have your sweet Alyzabeth finally!! We are soooooo ecstatic for the THREE of you!!! Alyzabeth is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

Courtney Mei only wanted to be walked in the hallway too when we first brought her back to the hotel. Glad to see that she likes Cheerios too!! :)

Thanks so much for sharing this priceless video!!!

Dawn, Brian, Courtney Mei and Guinness

Catherine said...

Poor sweet lambie! She is so adorable and as much as we know grieving is a good this it sure must break your hearts to know how much hers is hurting right now and oh how you want to do everything you can to help her. You're doing a great job and the changes even between the first bit of the video and the second are evident. Alyzabeth is a little sweetheart.

Have been awake praying for you often overnight and will continue to. Love to all.

Congratulations friends!!! Your daughter is beautiful! Praying, praying for all of you as you go through this grieving and the first steps of becoming a family together.

((hugs)) xoxoxo

Ellen said...

Congrats on finally having her in your arms! Your "ride" is over......let parenting begin! :-)
I am sure her grieving must be awfully heartbreaking for you. However, your love and support will guide her through this difficult time.

Truly Blessed said...

So happy for you three, I just can't even put it into words.

So...will she be Alyzabeth or Lizzy (I want to refer to her by the right name!)? She's beautiful (her referral pictures must have been taken the day before you received them in August -- she hasn't changed a bit!

Thanks for including Ruth & Brian's family on your video -- I always love to see them in China, especially with that sweet little Abigail in her Mama's arms!

I'm so glad Alyzabeth was able to calm down for you -- you're right, you have a rough week ahead of you, but it will all be worth it.


redmaryjanes said...

She is so beautiful! Well, I know it's hard that she was so bonded to her caregiver, but that means she can love and bond and will bond to you. So, I think it's a good thing. I love to see your Momma sway in action. You two look perfect together. Congratulations. I am so happy for you!!!!! Kiss that baby girl for us!

Johnny said...

Congrats! And I know you understand how the next couple of days and nights are going to be rough. Hang in there and best wishes!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

She is incredibly beautiful....beyond words!

Thanks for the video....it was wonderful to see her in your arms!!

I am sure the first couple days are going to be a bit of an adjustment for her.....but things will get better...you have been blessed with a beautful daughter, she has been blessed with incredible parents!

Hugs and Best Wishes,


Ava's family said...

I woke up in the middle of night and thought....They must have her by now! She is such a beautiful little girl. I hope it's not too long before you see a smile on her beautiful face.

Anonymous said...

Alyson, you look wonderful holding your beautiful daughter..it just looks so natural. Glad she likes Cheerios!

God has blessed both our families with more love than we ever imagined. Can't wait till you are all home and hope to see you soon after.

Debbie, Barry, and Sophie

Kelley said...

It's so obvious by your post that you are very "in tune" with Alyzabeth An's state of mind, and her needs. She is going to feel the love that you have for her! Bless her little heart..."gotcha day" is a hard day for little ones.

She is so beautiful! Congratulations!

the mommy said...

Aly and Ford, Reading your words this morning brought tears and a flood of memories back for me and Riz. We both felt like we were reading and watching our own story of Forever Family Day. I don't know how many times we said "Sophia was old enough to know her world had just been turned upside down". Adopting a toddler is different in many ways then adopting an infant. The joy is the same, the love is the same, he process is the same, the grief is harder. People told us to be there to meet her needs and give her space when she needs it (that worked). Give yourself about 3 or 4 days and Alyzabeth will start to make a turn. Sophia's turn was to Baba on the morning of day 4. If you need any advice or just want some words of encouragement please feel free to contact me at sophiajoy06@yahoo.com. Alyzabeth is a beautiful child we feel very blessed to be a witness to you becoming a family. CONGRATULATIONS!

Dannye said...

oh my!! she is just as beautiful in your video as her referral pictures!! congrats!! and cant wait to continue to follow your journey!!


-Dannye (& Ray)

park it said...

Amazing - congratulations! Kimberly was so excited when I showed her the video and said she ate a cherrio just like I did when I met you to mama..Here come the tears...remember do what works and in a few days - well really each moment by moment she will come to trust you and love you with her heart!
Hugs fm Florida
c & k

Briana's Mom said...

Congratulations!!! She is absolutely the cutest thing! So beautiful!

Briana cried and cried on referral day.

I have tears in my eyes I am so happy for you!

Mendy said...

She is beautiful!

frogglet said...

Oh she is so beautiful. I hope you all are able to get some rest in these next few days.
My thoughts are with you.

Kelly And Allison said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful. Bring back all the memories when we received Kelly and Allison. Give her couple days to adjust you guys are doing great. I am so happy for you.


Bev said...

She is just beautiful!! Prayers are with you as you make your adjustments and she comes to know that you love her.

Bev and Angel

OziMum said...

Oh my goodness! She is just so precious! Aly, she certainly seems to have taken to you!

Well guys... its happened! No more imagining!!! I just have goosebumps from head to toe! I pray that with each minute, Alyzabeth An settles in, and knows the love you have for her!

YAY!!! Alyzabeth An is yours forever!

Daniella said...

She is precious. Lots of love and prayers for you all while you bond.

C's Mom said...

So beautifully sweet yet bittersweet at the same time. My heart is with you all in the coming days as you begin to know each other and Alyzabeth's fear begins to subside.

Congrats on the beginning of a wonderful new life for all!

Rhonda said...

Congratulations, she's a beautiful little girl! I wish you all the best in the coming days and weeks as you begin the bonding process.

Jenn said...

What a sweetheart. Sending good thoughts your way. Hang in there... and congratulations!

Stephe said...

Congratulations mama and baba!!! She is absolutely beautiful and much smaller than I thought she was! I know it's hard and she is sad and scared. One day at a time!!! Big HUGS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh she's just beautiful, isn't she? I know that she'll come to feel safe in your arms, but am praying for peace for you during what will likely be a rough ride for a bit (although sleepless nights are something that all new parents experience, right?)
I can't wait to see the updates -- thanks for sharing!

Billy and Maggie said...

Alyson & Ford CONGRATULATIONS! She is so beautiful. Wishing you the very best as you form you bond with Alyzabeth. In no time she will be taken in by the devotion, caring and love you both so obviously show show in your videos.

LaLa said...

She is so beautiful! She will trust you..like everyone said, just let her take the lead and it really does happen..for us when we hit Guangzhou : )

Enjoy your sweet girl

Kristin said...

Congratulations! Your understanding and empathy for all Alyzabeth is experiencing will get you through these first days... she is a lovely girl and you are a blessed family.

Kim said...

She is soooo beautiful..
Get as much rest as possible..
She will be laughing and playing soon..
Thinking of you always..

Eileen said...

She's just beautiful and looks so sweet - congratulations!

OH MY #6 said...

congrats. thinking of you lots!


Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous. Congratulations. Olivia was deeply attached to her caregiver, too. We were the ones who prepared for the worst, hoped for the best and got the worst. Everything will be great...that magical "day 3" everyone talks about was our turning point.

Thanks for the video. Great start to my morning.

Sending best wishes your way.


rubyiscoming said...

Everyone has said it....she is gorgeous and I just love seeing your beautiful and caring wife holding her daughter.....just breathtaking and beautiful.

Yes, you have a lot of bonding and trust-building ahead with little Alyzabeth....but you guys are going to be AMAZING parents.

Beautiful family - we're so thrilled for you, my friends.


Jen said...

Oh, how wonderful that you have her! I am praying for you guys in the adjustment period. Poor Elizabeth An - I'm sure she is scared to death. Just as you said, she is old enough to know what is happening! I hope she will trust and love you very soon. She is adorable! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the beautiful new family! My prayers are with you during this adjustment period.

FinsUp said...

I remember these first days very vividly. It is so painful to watch your child suffer and mourn. She will survive and so will you. Hang in there.

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Congratulations! She is so adorable! Looks like you may be having some long nights out in the hall, but it will pay off in the long run.

Kayce said...

Congratulations to all of you! God Bless.

Puddin' said...

She's amazing! Congratulations to you. Best wishes through the bittersweet adjusting time, and for a wonderful life together!

Gail said...

Coming out of lurkdom to say Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl. We have been home 6 weeks with a 2 yr. old little boy, he grieved very hard and was firmly bonded to his foster family. I promise it will get much, much better for you all.
Take care!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so sorry she is grieving but it sounds like a good sign that soon she will be bonding to her Mom and Dad.

Nina said...

Alyzabeth An could not have come into a more loving, understanding and wonderful family...

She is beautiful, and we're thrilled for you (and for her). CONGRATULATIONS!

Nina, David & Ariel

Norma said...

Bless her poor confused little heart.........but it will be okay, My prayers are with that sweet tiny girl and with her ayi who is missing her so and with you. I am hoping the next few days are balm for all your weary souls.
Take care.

Dawn said...

Congratulations! She is so adorable.

katie said...

Oh how wonderful it is to see her with you two. She's going to be just fine with all that love and comfort. Hang in there! We're thinking about you!!
Katie, Barrett, and Stella

Special K said...

Congratulations! She's just beautiful. Looks like you're doing everything right to help ease her into her new life as your daughter. Just hang in there. It'll get easier.

Joannah said...

It's so good to finally see you together! I hope that she will bond with you quickly. Alyson is a natural mother! She was meant to be Alyzabeth's mommy!

My prayers are with you.

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

SHe is so cute -- celebrate each "baby step" she will take over these days. You will look back in amazement! Lucy

wzgirl said...

Thinking about all three of you right now. XO

Lori Petrie said...

Phew - you have her!!!! We won our way to Jay's heart through the hotel buffet! Once he realized we weren't going to restrict his food intake, he was a happy camper. I hope you are all sound asleep right now.. and morning will bring a better day for Alyzabeth. She couldn't be in better hands! Love, Lori (nanchuan group)

Anonymous said...

Remeber this is & will be a brief moments in your lives, for all of you. Take one baby step @ a time & remember to breathe & loads of hugs & kisses to Alyzabeth An!
Please tell AA that her Aunti M loves her & will see her soon as soon as I get the webcam! Please give her xoxo from Maine! Note:"IF" she naps, nap when she does!!
Love, Mel

Anonymous said...

As one who has "been there and done that" with Emilee (the original screamer -- you should see the Gotcha photos!)I can tell you that it will get better for all of you. In fact, one day soon you will wake up together with happy faces and you will have turned the corner. We can't wait to see her and you. Keep up the good work!

Donna W.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

No more imagining ... here's Alyzabeth in the flesh!

Congratulations on your new family. Sending lots of hugs and love from back in the US. ;)

Shane & Irma said...

I can not belive I have miss so much. I so sorry, I have has three rough weeks lately.
But as I was looking here I had tears in my eyes of happiness for you guys. She is so beautiful and prescious. Hope to see more of you with her, loving her and he laughing..

Hugs and enjoy,
Blessings and prayers

Donna said...

My heart breaks for her as well, but it is also SO awesome to see her in your arms, taking cheerios, etc. She WILL adjust and realize what good fortune she's met :) She is honestly one of the most adorable little girls I've seen ever adopted from China, and I've seen a ton!

Lisa and Tate said...

Congrats!!! She is so adorable.

Jill W said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!

Elisa...life as we know it. said...

Yeah...you have her!
Wow she is just beautiful.
Congratulations and enjoy!

Shelly said...

Congratulations on your darling daughter Alyzabeth!!! It is so so wonderful to finally see her in your arms and to know that you are a family! We just returned home (last week!) with our precious Jessa "Li Li" and she also had a very rough transition (18 months old) in China having bonded completely with her foster family. She screamed constantly and asked us over and over to go outside, or go home - we didn't get much sleep, but slowly during the days that followed we saw her first smile and first giggle too!! It was worth working toward - constant holding and saying over and over again Mama Ai Ni! (Mama loves you) and Baba Ai Ni (Daddy loves you) and Mama Bao (sounds like the o in bow-wow) and means Mommy hug/hold you or Bao Bey (sounds like bow bay and means holdig my precious treasure) or Ha La Ha La (which means It's Okay) or softly (boo coo - which means don't cry, don't cry... ha la ha la...it's okay) when she was crying out for her foster mother. Maybe you already know these phrases too - I can't even begin to explain how it helped us sooo much to be able to comfort her in Chinese! It was miraculous! We did sacrifice a lot of the sightseeing so we could bond with her and play just with her, but it was so worth it to see her attaching to us!!! :) It takes all the energy and love that you have but you will make great strides as you continue to do just as you are doing - feeding her, holding her, comforting her. Rejoicing with you on your beautiful treasure! :) Praying even now for each of you and that God will truly melt her heart into yours and allow her to be comforted by you and receive your love! Her love will grow softly, but each day there is the hope of what will be! Many, many blessings on your journey!

Shelly & Dave
Andrew, Hollyn, & Jessa "Li Li"
(Fellow Precious Pandas Jan. Group)

Doreen said...

OMG she is even MORE beautiful than her pics!!!!
You guys sure have an angel. The wait was worth it! Enjoy the miracles of life.
Doreen in Montreal single Mom to Faith-Jiangxi & Mia-Sichuan

ChouchouPoussin said...

I'm happy for you and for Alyzabeth,
even if the first day was very difficult for her, the life will be better after...

have a good journey in china and say their that we arrive !!!!

Severine from France travel in 24 day...

prechrswife said...

Congratulations! She is just beautiful! Hang in there--it will get better.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She is precious!

t~ said...

Congratulations! My prayers are with you as you begin the next journey with your very precious little girl. Huge hugs!

Jewels of My Heart said...

I can't imagine how it breaks your heart.... soon you will be the one's who will be able to dry her tears and comfort her.
I am praying for her and for you too.... How wonderful that she is in your arms.
God's Peace,

Vivian M said...

Congratulations on your Gotcha Day! Alyzabeth is absolutely beautiful. And it's definately a good sign that she is grieving and screaming, although I am sure it is heartbreaking to see and hear. It will get better.

Anonymous said...

Take things slowly and Alyzabeth will come to trust you very soon. It is amazing to see them open up and show themselves as that trust develops over the days and weeks ahead. We still see it happening each and every day with our girls.

Enjoy this time together, give lots of hugs and kisses and cherish every second of the trip...it'll be over before you know it!

She is just beautiful!!!!


Debbie said...

congratulations on your precious alyzabeth -- she is sooo cute. it is wonderful to see her with you!!!! praying for her & for you both -- all the best, debbie

Paul & Denice said...

Wow, she is so beautiful. She reminds me of my Olivia. We are really happy for your guys & wish you the best of luck.

Denice & Paul

Brownie Troop 157 said...

We're so happy for you. Congradulations on this wonderful day.

Kind regards from Miami,

carol and taylor

Cara said...

She's precious. Congratulations! Lot of happy tears for you guys.



Dana said...

Alyson and Ford, She is beautiful! I'm so happy for you. I know it has probably been an exhausting day and so hard to see her crying and grieving her caregiver. Kisses and hugs to all 3 of you!


Wanda, Geoff and Lexi said...

Alyson and Ford, Congratulations! Alyzabeth is absolutely adorable. I am so happy for you! I love reading the blog and following your amazing journey!


Nan and Dan said...

I know how hard it is, but it is such a good sign for the future.
Victoria came into the room while I was playing the video and said "hi" I told her that this was her first picture of her new friend and she blew kisses to aa!!
I had to play the video several times so she could say hi, my friend and blow more kisses!
Can't wait to see you back home :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you all!!! Things will hopefully settle down after you get home. Have a save journey. Love, Sharon & the Maine clan

Gail said...

She is beautiful!
Everything will fall into place.
Take 1 day at a time. Heck take 1 hour at a time!
My prayers are with you for a smooth transition back home.

NorasMommy said...

What a sweet video. This is meant to be.


Margaret M said...

So happy you have her in your arms! You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

She is just so sweet and adorable. It's about 7 in the morning there now, and I truly hope all 3 of you were able to have a good night of sleep. She'll discover how much she's loved very soon.

kitchu said...

Hey Alison, Ford, and little Alyzabeth! Just praying for all three of you as you navigate these first days together! I know it must be really hard, but each day will get easier and easier. She is SO beautiful!!!! I was so anxious to get home from work today and see this post, it was killing me. I cannot believe after all these years following you guys (and living practically right around the corner) you finally HAVE HER. So surreal. I am SO happy for you. I was also blown away by all your comments!! WOW, talk about people coming out of the wood work, that is awesome!!

kitchu said...

Oops, meany Alyson!

Chani's Bow Making Mama said...

Congratulations! She is adorable!

4D said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful.

Keep smilin!

Deb said...

Congratulations to you all! Alyzabeth is just precious in every way! What a tough day for her though. I remember Sophie truly grieved that first night....our guide stopped by and spoke to her in Chinese....which truly helped.....she also recommended the TV.....not something we make a habit of.....but it worked! :) At least it was a familiar language!Blessing to you all in the coming days as the bonding progresses!

Laurie said...

She is beautiful...hang in there through these first few days!

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers your way as your new precious daughter transitions into her forever family!

Sam said...

She is beautiful!!! Congrats!!!! The next three days will be your biggest challenge and the most amazing. So many changes for such a little sweetie. Your family will be in our prayers!

cougchick said...

She is so beautiful. Congrats to you all. I was happy to see my friend Ruth and her family in your video.
I hope Alyzabeth is adjusting and having an easier transition since the first few hours. What a mourning process for such a wee one. My prayers are with her.

Congrats again.

Gina said...

She is stunning! Congratulations. Loved the video from the elevator. I miss Chongqing. I hope we get to go back one day.

MellyJ said...

Congratulations! Your daughter is just beautiful. The changes that you will see in her just while in China are astounding! They come so far in such a short period of time. Best of luck as you get to know each other.

Beeb said...

She's perfect.
Thinking of you!

AmyO said...

She is adorable! Congratulations!

Lisa~~ said...

Oh bless, congrats!!

Have Marie take you to the hot pot place in the underground mall, it's a great experience.

Donna said...

Congratulations! She's so precious! She does that little sniff-sniff-sniff breathing thing just like all my kids did when they were coming off an hysterical cry. It makes tears well up in my eyes!

This is a stressful day for her but it'll get better and better and pretty soon she won't remember a time when you guys weren't mommy and daddy.

Much love!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, she is beautiful. I agree with Leaa, you are great with her Aly. I remember the days with Michael Aaron; walking, walking, and walking! I would sing to him " You are my sunshine" over and over and over.....

Do what works and adjust later...is my motto! As hard it must be for her, she will be grateful to have such a strong and loving family. As exhausting it must be for you two, you will establish your own routine and it will be easier once you are home.

Your sis from Illinois

3 Peanuts said...

Congratulations....she is so beautiful. i know these first few days (weeks...sometimes months) can be challenging. our daughter was very close to her foster Mom too but thy learn to trust and love and attach. Hang in there:0)
