Friday, September 05, 2008

New Alyzabeth Photos (Including First Smile)

We were pleasantly surprised yesterday to receive an update on Alyzabeth which included 3 new photos of our daughter.

Plans continue to move forward with a departure date set for September 11. Flight reservations have been made and we will receive our final Agency travel packet Monday. We're carefully watching Hurricane Ike and the impact it could possibly have on our flight plans.
Great news is we have family flying in to stay at the house and take care of the cats and Salty Dog. And eventually, upon our return, US! :)

Times are hectic crazy but FUN!

Our first photo of Alyzabeth smiling :) YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! :) Love it!!!

DD comes today so we can check out our laptops to make sure we're all set to go with Skype and also to make certain we have our video connections working.
It's like everyone tries to tell those of us in the Wait - get prepared early because when your time comes - it moves at super sonic speed!
Gotta go... :)


Catherine said...

Oh!!!! Goosebumps all over!!! Your baby girl is ADORABLE! Check out that smile!

Cannot express how happy I am for you! God is SO good!

Love you friends! So excited to be enjoying your journey from the sidelines.

Love, Catherine xoxo

Briana's Mom said...

She is just breathtaking! I cannot wait to follow your journey to China!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl with a beautiful smile. That third photo is interesting, with the larger bed in the backroom. Makes me wonder where she was at the time!

Tom, Wendy, and Andrew said...

Congrats on your flight plans!!! And it seems like you got it quickly. She is soooo beautiful. She is going to fit into your wonderful family, PERFECTLY. WOW, you leave next week! I can not wait to follow your journey to China to get Alyzabeth. Maybe when we get moved back down to Jax, we can all meet up again and have your daughter and Andrew play. :o)
Your Memphis friends.
Tom, Wendy and Andrew

4D said...

What a sweet, sweet girl! Can not wait to see your pics of her smiling in your arms.

Keep smilin!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Beautiful... just beautiful. I can't wait to watch her smiles grow more frequent.

frogglet said...

It is so wonderful that you got an update. many more smiles to come soon, I can't wait to follow you on your adventure to China!!

Johnny said...

Nice Pics!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Can she get any cuter!!!

That smile is worth a thousand words....I am so thrilled for you has been a long journey, but will have been worth every second when you finally have her in your arms!

Cannot wait to follow your journey!


Rhonda said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl...can't wait to follow your journey.

t~ said...

Good golly, she's simply adorable! Love that smile!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! It won't be long at all now!!!

She IS so beautiful...such expressive eyes...and a face of translucent fine porcelin.

It won't be long now until she will be home she will be blossoming with smiles daily!

Dawn said...

What a little sweetheart!! I just love her beautiful smile!!!

Anonymous said...

How fantastic you have a picture now on which she is smiling :)! There are many more to come as soon as she is with will see.

Do you know if she was in 'foster care' (I use the term losely, because foster care in China is so different than we know it)? I ask because of the last picture, where she's standing in front of this big bed. Maybe something you could find out.

Hang in there, these last few weeks of waiting!


Jen said...

I have been lurking and watching with great anticipation for you, I thought it was time to comment. My DH and I have 2 children adopted from Vietnam who are 19 months old now (home with us for 14 months). I know just what you are feeling and can just say enjoy as much as possible. You will never forget this journey and at times it will seem tough, but you have the rest of your lives together to sort it all out. She will be your greatest blessing! Good luck!

Diana said...

That smile could melt a 1000 hearts!!! She is BeAuTiFuL!!!

Don and Be said...

Sweetness .... total sweetness! So very happy for you! Words cannot express ........
We love the 3 of you,

Truly Blessed said...

What a priceless treasure that smile picture is (I know, we went without one during our wait). Any child with such a beautiful smile is definitely capable of happiness -- I think this is just the first of thousands you'll see in the next year.

Still can't believe your trip is coming up so quickly!


Nina said...

OMG!! LOVE the smile! She's so beautiful. And quite stylish, too, I might add.

So excited for you that you get to travel so quickly!

Alyson and Ford said...

The bedroom is actually one of the 3 rooms at the orphanage.
We speculate that it is a room for the caregiver(s) but we will not know that for certain until we visit (hopefully)...

T n' W said...

Super sonic fast is right! I'm so ready!!!Lord willing, We're flying out of RDU at 6:00am on Thursday. See ya in Beijing!!

Anonymous said...

Could she be any more gorgeous!! We are so very excited for you all and praying Ike goes WAY away as well as Josephine and any others while you might be gone. So looking forward to following your trip! Happy Birthday early Alyzabeth!! (And will you allow her to date slightly younger men -when she's 30 of course!!! ; ) He's only 3 months younger!)

Melissa S.

Anonymous said...

Ford and Alyson,

She is precious, love that smile!!!
we will see ya in Chicago!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!! She is just beautiful! Breathtaking really...I am so excited to see new photos of her!

Nan and Dan said...

coming up fast now!!
love the new pics, can't wait to see even more photos of her smile and hear her laugh!!
good luck!

Kim said...

Love the pictures..
How exciting that you get new pictures..
Love her pretty little smile..
I am sooo excited to follow your journey to China to have Alyzabeth An placed into your arms...

Robin said...

such cute pictures. So nice that you are getting updates!

kitchu said...

Maia needs to paint her for you one day ( Alyzabeth is absolutely ANGELIC. I am IN LOVE with your girl... and wow, what a beautiful smile she has!

FinsUp said...

I hate to tell you this, but you have a little princess on your hands! She is dressed so adorably and she seems to have the run of the place.

What a beauty. The 11th is coming so fast! Have a wondeful trip!

Brownie Troop 157 said...

She is absolutely gorgeous. Cant wait to see her in your loving arms.

Kind regards from Miami as we know it. said...

So happy you guy's have your travel date set and you got new photo's.
You are so lucky to have received new pics!

~ Alison said...

What a wonderful surprise!! That smile could melt anybody's heart =)

KHM said...

Beautiful Child - beautiful smile


Kim said...

Love her pretty little face...
Can you send me an email @
I have a couple questions for you..

Vivian M said...

She is so beautiful, I am sure you are both in love already and over the moon with happiness!
I wish you a speedy journey to your daughter, and don't forget to take a step back to take it all in every day. It does happen so fast once you are there!
Huge hugs!

FinsUp said...


Can you email me at ?


Dita said...

Your daughter is absolutely STUNNING. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for you to travel across the world and get her and never let her go.

I am so excited and happy for both of you but most of all for the one and only Alyzabeth An!

Congratulations and safe trip!

Laurie said...

She's just so cute...what an incredible little smile...can't wait to see her with YOU! :-)

Dana said...

Oh, I'm so happy you got some more pictures! I love love love the smiling one!


Polar Bear said...


My Goodness! What a beautiful daughter you have!!!!

I am so happy for you all!!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Oh my... how precious...