Monday, September 08, 2008

Grateful Thoughts! - So Many To Thank

I am thankful for all our friends and family... We will have many posts to share of all the wonderful things they have done for us... So many thanks to give.

My sister, Melissa, in the not so frozen North, put this on her blog for us from An American Tail. The song is so wonderful to listen to, thinking of our new daughter and how close we are to holding her!! She included the words to this song on one of the 100 Good Wishes Quilt squares she sent. Love the video! Brings tears to my eyes, thinking about praying for Alyzabeth and sleeping under the same big sky, until we meet.....

She also sent us the Edible Fruit Arrangement that was so yummy!! We quickly devoured the chocolate covered banana's and froze much of the fruit to make breakfast smoothies!

Our family and friends hosted a "baby" shower for us on Saturday, 09/06/08. I was a bit overwhelmed by all the attention (more on the Baby Shower to come).
As the shower was beginning, food being set out and everyone all smiles, my cousin CR, asked DD and SIL to get the camera; she was bringing a surprise in from the car. So we all watched as she and someone else helped her bring in lots of balloons and more gifts. Hiding behind the balloons was my sister from Maine! She had made arrangements to fly here when she heard about our "Florida" baby shower and boy, did she surprise us! Everyone was so good about keeping a secret (especially Mom, Andrew and CR)! I thought CR and Melissa were up to some thing, as Mel does many special things (like sending me the Edible fruit in celebration of our referral) but never thought she would be here in person! It was a great surprise Mel & CR!!

The next day (Sunday) we enjoyed a day on the beach - it was perfect!! GD Livi was squirmy, so it was hard to get good pictures of her and Mel together!
We were celebrating DS's birthday and I know everyone enjoyed having a place to hang out thanks to having the use of my cousin's condo - Gloria and Joan!!

And here she is cuddling with Salty Dog. He actually slept with her at night - traitor!! He loves the attention!!


Nan and Dan said...

did you really post at 3:00am??
are you trying to change your body clock :) or get yourself ready for less sleep :)
you are getting so close now!
so so exciting!!

Kim said...

Sounds like an amazing time...
It is sooo nice to get wonderful surprises...
Love the pictures..
Family is great...

Vivian M said...

What a wonderful surprise! Enjoy all the festivities and family and friends. You deserve it!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

What a terrific is the best!

You certainly had a great weekend...and you both deserve it all!

Only a couple of days until China...and of course, the beautiful Alyzabeth!


Catherine said...

What an amazing gift to have your sister fly in from Maine!! What a wonderful blessing for you as your prepare these final days before your flight to CHINA!!! 3 more sleeps before you're on your way! YIPPEEEEEE!!

OziMum said...

Praise God for fantastic sisters! I don't have one... but I've got a fantastic SIL - which is just as good!!!

Yummy fruit basket!

Eeek! 2 more sleeps.... (well, maybe 3 for you - but its only 2 here!!!)

Ruth and Brian said...

Your sister...what a fabulous surprise. Your shower sounds like it was wonderful. And the fruit is so beautiful. I think this was shower "weekend" as my family/friends had mine on the 7th too and it was so fun to share with everyone the joy we are experiencing over our upcoming trip to get our daughter.

See you in Beijing.
