Saturday: We try to sleep in but when 6 a.m. rolls around, we are usually awake (lucky AA, she manages to sleep in until 7 or 7:30 a.m.). Breakfast was leftovers, AA isn't fussy and rarely heats them up (orange chicken this time)
I have wanted to bake my "triple" lemon cupcakes since our ponderosa lemons were ripe. I went to the Publix for heavy whipping cream for the buttercream frosting (I used what I had on hand - butter, butter flavored Crisco and regular Crisco, and could have just used half & half). I baked 23 cupcakes, the cake was soft and moist. I used a "trick" of putting uncooked rice in bottom of cupcake pan to soak up any grease on the bottom of each cupcake. I don't think it worked, the cupcake papers were still greasy, maybe a bit less, not sure if I would do again, maybe cut parchment paper instead. Whipped up the frosting with some lemon juice and lemon extract; in the cake batter, added the zest of a fresh store-bought lemon (zest doesn't freeze well - maybe I should have added my ponderosa zest to the juice when freezing). We shared one cupcake - always need a tasting (and AA "licked" the frosting bowl).
Ford mentioned Woodpecker BBQ, so we drove there for lunch, a lovely day, 80 degrees. My pork "pecker" plate was delicious, I think the best pulled pork; Ford had beef brisket and AA ordered rib plate.
Alyzabeth drove to Siyan's to work on a media project, capturing the sunset; we went to our still usual, predictable River House happy hour. I made my standby appetizer: cherry tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese with a small piece of fresh basil and some balsamic vinegar on the side, Kathy brought shrimp cocktail. We chatted with Karrie about her conversation with Hugh, how Maureen is not adjusting, "in a bad place". So sad and knew she may have issues but were hoping for the best - we knew they needed to move closer to Erin/family.
Sunday: Went to church, visited with Steve and Julie, Cathy always welcomes me, asked me to help with communion. Back home, a storm was heading our way, not the best day to drive to St. Augustine (AA drove, she does not take suggestions, criticism very well, she's a great driver, we get nervous with the rain and puddles). We arrived at Leaa's, visited with her and Dylan (who was going to a Galentine's Day party), then Leaa drove us to the SA Music Center house. Jesse was installing doors with Jason in the morning, still working on interior finish work. We went back to Leaa's, dropped off Jesse's birthday gift (Made in Maine lobster rope mat) and 10 of my home baked lemon cupcakes. AA had her tutoring with Laureen (Spanish, moved from last Thursday) and we watched Miss Scarlet, last episode for this new season.
Monday: We went to Ford's early wound doctor, his legs are healing, his left leg now has no bandages, so can use the new Velcro compression "sock" and put lotion on every day.
We then drove to Parkinson's exercises, arriving late. I chatted with Mom in the truck, didn't walk as it was 45 degrees with wind outside. We drove home, had a short rest (watched the beginning of Sunday night's All Creatures Great and Small), then to the Metro Diner with Mia. She told us about her work at Amazon (likes a guy at Ocala office, may move to Jacksonville; with all the Government cuts, she said she would work at Buckees!).
Mia ate biscuits and gravy, AA fish and chips, Ford was good and ordered salad with grilled chicken; I ate half of the chicken pot pie.
AA left for her PT appointment, and I went to Walmart, picked up Ford's prescriptions. We were going to have Saigon Wok food but found out they are closed on Monday, so bought take-out from Tijuana Flats. Watched the Voice and then to bed! School tomorrow!
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