Saturday, October 05, 2024

October 1st! Fall is here! New Peach Crostini Appetizer

Monday 09/30/24 - Last day of September. Parkinson exercises then Ford had his follow-up appointment for his leg imaging.

Our mornings are about the same. Ford is sleeping better, I still am awake a lot, every time he moves. We got AA off to school. We survived without air conditioning. Inside temperature reached 81 degrees. Hoping Justin can trouble shoot it as we know it’s an old unit, ready to be replaced.
Ford went to his Parkinson’s exercises, I walked and talked with Mom. She had a nice time with the family on Sunday at the apple orchard.
Next, we went to Ford’s follow up to his leg/vein imaging. All good will need to wear compression socks to help with circulation. We need to get them at Walmart, it’s a prescribed sock. The appointment ran one hour late. Also, Ford will be referred to a podiatrist. We spoke to Justin and Leaa, they check in more frequently now. We are all still in shock about the devastation from Helene flooding. We ate lunch at the Time Out deli - found out what we had not seen the owner- mother around, she fell and broke her wrist and some other bone. 
At home, I did try to lay down, my back is still killing me from raking on Saturday. So sore!! I got dinner stuff ready - spaghetti dinner with iceberg wedge salad, Texas garlic toast. Mia came over, we walked to Talon’s to visit (in their air conditioning) chatted over iced tea. 
Mia stayed for dinner, she is going on a cruise this Thursday with Madison, learning sign language for cruise ships, she earns CEU. We watched the Voice. I took a shower to cool down, the temperature is now 84 degrees. 
Tuesday: October 1st! Ford had his PT then to Quest for his blood and urine panel.
Tuesday morning was fine a bit warm in our home but it was cooler outside in the morning so we tried to cool down the house. And we ate out on the screen porch for dinner as it was cooler but was not comfortable so we moved back inside.
Our day started with Justin and Jon-boy arriving to check out our system and of course the end result is we need it replaced which we sort of knew. They will work up a price and unfortunately they have a big job at the Putnam county courthouse starting on Wednesday through Saturday so they will not be able to come to our home until Monday or Tuesday. I took Ford to his physical therapy and did a little bit of walking and resting in the truck. After that we stopped back at the house, but Justin was already gone and then to Ford quest appointment. He had blood drawn and a urine test and then we went to Walmart to pick up his new prescription of compression socks to wear on his legs.  We decided to Ford wanted fish for lunch so we decided to go to Corky bells on Fleming Island as we had not been there in ages. Big mistake as they were some large groups already there the waitress was overworked Ford fish and chips were not good. The fish was so thin. It was deep-fried and way overcooked and tough.  My blackened fish tacos were pretty good and came with black beans and rice. We don’t usually go there and now we know why. 
We went to Publix to pick up our ingredients for our dinner of Panzanella. And canned goods for taco soup, which will make later in the week.  Alyzabeth went to the library again for a few hours as it is cooler there and quiet and she can work there without being here at the house during the afternoon heat. We went to the River House. I took the same thing I took last Saturday as I had all the ingredients still the cream cheese, sun-dried tomato spinach garlic roll up pinwheels they are very delicious and definitely a keeper recipe.  Only Kathy came as Hugh and Maureen were celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary with a dinner out. 
Wednesday 2ndOur morning started with a little bit more sleep than average, but the house of course is warm with no air conditioning. Alyzabeth got off to school just fine. Her knee is still healing with Band-Aids over the biggest scarring where her screws were removed. I took a bit of a shower and walked Ginger and trimmed our back hedges, where some wild branches were growing tall and fixed our lights out on the deck with new clips. The old plastic clips stretch and break and probably the UV light doesn’t help it either. We went to Walmart, Lowe's and Home Depot to find a portable air conditioner not a window air conditioner to use until we get air conditioning back which looks like will be next Tuesday. None to be found! So we ordered one online. Thank goodness the weather is a bit cooler reaching the high 80s but the humidity is lower so our inside house temperature is high, 84°.  We are so lucky that we can tolerate it as Jim and Cliffreda have gone through a terrible time in their little town of Alvarado. They finally got power back at the Fairhaven farmhouse they’re staying at but endured five days with no power no water, and no air-conditioning.  Our plans for Wednesdays is to stay in and work around the house but today we found out Ford‘s blood test came back with him being anemic so we bought iron pills today and also call his doctor to confirm that. So much going on in the world today with the port employees on strike with Iran sending missiles to Israel and the vice-presidential debate last night. The debate last night was a kinder gentler, and both gentlemen were poised but our candidate Tim walls did not seem to send enough punches towards JD Vance, when he was lying so much and didn’t emphasize all the lies that he has told which is created havoc in his own state of Ohio when he said that immigrants reading peoples pets. They actually had to get police officers to escort children to school and try to calm that area it’s horrible what the  Far right wing Republicans that support Trump and his bullying his lies, his greediness, his rhetoric against women etc. etc. etc. 

Thursday 3rd:
Another good morning, it is 82 degrees inside the house, with outside morning temperatures in the 70's we are surviving.

Another usual morning with not much on our agenda. I did some personal correspondence cleaned up some emails and started some laundry. Ford took a shower and did the morning dishes. We drove to his Parkinson exercises and all went well and I walked outside while talking to my mom mostly about all our medical problems. Ford and I went to Publix and picked up food for our dinner which is going to be a type of Alfredo pasta, Primavera and roasted carrots. Once home I walked Ginger and we had lunch of leftovers. I called my cartilage Care, the Macy procedure and found out about how the process works. Since Alyzabeth is over 18 now we have to have her sign a HIPAA agreement so that I can talk to the doctors. 
Ford and I drove back to Publix and had our Covid and flu shots together.

AA continues to work at the library after school, nice and cool!
After Ford and I got our shots, Alyzabeth came home from the library about 4 PM. She had finished most of her homework and continue working on her college applications. She’s applying to some honest programs which require additional information and most she will not hear back until January whether she’s accepted or not. I prepped for dinner which was cutting up bell peppers, onions, some cherry tomatoes to go in the Alfredo sauce, and, of course, boiled the fettuccine noodles. I also peeled and roasted a bag of carrots, with a little rosemary, honey and olive oil. The dinner was pretty good for a meatless meal, and we only have the store-bought Alfredo sauce very rarely.  When we were at Publix, we purchased two of the new special flavors that are only for this holiday season. We purchased eggnog which is one of Alyzabeth‘s favorite flavors and also the apple pie ice cream, which includes bits of apples, pie crust, and cinnamon swirls. We are roasting in the house. The temperature is at 85°, but we will survive. Our portable air conditioning unit will be here tomorrow. AA met with Laureen with her Spanish tutoring session tonight and I took a shower to cool down. Not much else going on. We did talk to Leaa and will visit with her and Jesse on Sunday. 
Friday 4th: Our 39th Anniversary! Separate post.
Saturday 5thSaturday morning beginning became again very nice. Alyzabeth ended up sleeping in her bedroom, because Ginger did not seem to want to settle in the den with the new portable air conditioner. However, the house was a lot cooler, and even those our bedrooms were far away from the air conditioner, it benefited from the cooler air coming in that way. Alyzabeth did a lot of homework, correcting her government test that they were allowed to do over the weekend and she did some more college application work including hitting the submit button for I think William and Mary, and Stetson and I’m not sure I think she may still have Bowdoin left and Wesley. She said she’s not going apply to Georgetown as they require a person in face or zoom live interview. I told her that she would do fine just be yourself and if she didn’t want to do it, try again as we believe she would love going there for her master's degree. 
Terri sent us a bag of her home grown garlic - love the fresh garlic. I gave some to Leaa and Marsha.
I decided to make a grilled peach Cristini for an appetizer for the River House. It is goat cheese with fresh basil spread on Cristini bread and grilled peaches, diced up and a drizzle of honey on top. Everyone loved it so it is definitely a keeper recipe. 
I also decided to make spinach dip and will take some tomorrow, Sunday to Leaa to have at home.  We went to the River House and with Hugh and Maureen (their son Doug and his wife had just left for airport). They stayed for 2 1/2 days visiting their parents. It rained a bit and supposedly we are getting in northeaster tomorrow and then possibly a hurricane named Milton midweek.  We came home and had taco soup which I had prepared in the morning and let it simmer during the day. 
We decided to watch the 1990s version of pride and prejudice with Colin Firth as AA is studying that book in school. 

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