Sunday, September 29, 2024

Last Week of September 2024

Monday 23rd: Ford has been feeling fairly normal, better than the past month! We went to his Parkinson exercises and lunch at Sweet Sensations. After arriving home, Ford was standing behind his den chair and fell backwards. A small cut on his arm but otherwise okay. Two bar stools flipped over, one broke.
Ford went to the Dentist for his teeth cleaning, I didn't realize he had not been in two years. He has a cavity near his front bridge, just like five years ago, on the other side, needs an implant (cost estimate is close to $9,000). We picked up a few groceries, money to pay Donna. AA studied for her calculus test with a session with Laurie.
Dinner was Leaa's macaroni and cheese with Publix fried chicken and green beans.
I decorated the front door corner metal unit - almost ready for Halloween.
A new season of The Voice began tonight. And the Jaguars played on Monday night football at the Buffalo Bills - a complete embarrassment!
Tuesday 24th: Donna came, so happy every time she shows up! We pick up clutter, dry mop floors, change bed sheets, make sure dishes are done, bathroom floors wiped, etc. Knowing she is coming makes me get my house in order - I need this every two weeks!
We went to Ford's PCP appointment, hopefully nothing wrong, just wanted to check up on all his medicines, his dizzy spells, his two falls and how bad his hallucinations are (and last time we saw him, Ford had a rash and swollen legs/edema). Dr. Dolven said to contact Dr. Legacy and increase the new drug; also to cut Ford's blood pressure medicine in half (mostly due his weight loss); also wants Ford to gain a little weight back; he ordered a new blood panel and urine test for UTI. 
Ford had forgotten to take his morning pills so drove home, then had a delicious lunch at Metro Diner. Ford got the special, country fired steak.
Once home, Donna finished cleaning, did laundry, walked Ginger, shredded papers, prepared for dinner and made the appetizer of cantaloupe, mozzarella and prosciutto. I followed a message asking for food for a family, so I volunteered to buy dinner for the family and drop off at Paviella Price, DeBarry Rd/near Wells Rd. We shopped at Winn Dixie, bought chicken, salads, cupcakes, OJ, bread, peanut butter, etc. ($79). Then off to our usual River House Happy Hour, which included Mia. We had easy conversation, Ford did have a problem saying there was a hair ball (hallucination) in his wine, so I dumped it out and got him a beer. Back home, dinner was pork tacos and AA finished her ice cream cake. Being very tired, it was time to get some rest!
Wednesday 25th: AA off to school - it's like a Friday for her! We slept decent, several hours in a row with Ford having three or four hallucinations but he wrestled in the bed, not too bad, plus a few ups to the bathroom. We have been waking up earlier than needed, 5:00 - 5:30 a.m. I shredded papers, we went to Walmart for a prescription, stopped at Publix for our dinner ingredients (chicken, peppers, pineapple, onion fajitas). I walked Ginger, pulled a few weeds and watered plants even though they will probably get watered during our Helene storm tomorrow.
Ford went to his imaging appointment to check the blood flow in his legs (from the edema). My training class for Clay County volunteers was cancelled. Expecting storm Helene is heading just NW of us. School has been cancelled for Thursday and Friday. I wrote a personal message on the Vote postcards I volunteered to send:
Dinner was leftover meatloaf, baked potatoes and wedge salad (blue cheese, cherry tomatoes, bacon crumbles).
Thursday 26th: Usual morning, took Ford to his Parkinson exercises. Storm Helene is expected to hit the west gulf coast this late afternoon. We moved plants to our screen porch, not too much to do.
Ford's Quest blood and urine panel ordered by Dr. Dolven was cancelled, so rescheduled. Since AA was home, we went to Hawkers for lunch as a treat, love their Asian street food!
Sad news as Dame Maggie Smith died today. She was in some many shows, of course our recent favorites were the Harry Potter movies and Downton Abbey.
Dinner was a new recipe, Chicken Fajitas with pineapple, peppers and onions. We gave it a good rating, maybe add a little more heat.
Friday 27th: Read separate post.
Saturday 28th: Leaa's birthday! Pictures I posted on Facebook:
AA submitted her first college applications - See separate post with photosI raked our small yard and ended up with a very sore lower back! First time for that!
We texted with Jim and Cliffreida; they were hit hard by Hurricane Helene. First floor was flooded with mud, their shed with three feet of water (lost their extra freezer and refrigerator); their Four Runner floated/pushed into the street, lost their generator, etc. Many roads completely gone, the town of Damasca devastated.
Sunday: I went to church, served communion, then to Publix for lunch - sub sandwiches. We watched the Jaguars play the Texans. AA continued working on her college applications (has to manually enter her high school transcript).

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