Sunday, July 07, 2024

Week of July 1, 2024

Monday: Another early morning, waking up at 5 a.m. Worked on computer, drank my coffee, stripped our bed, did laundry etc. Ford's radiation at 8:45 a.m. We went to Moon River pizza for lunch - Ford and I ate the delicious Gorgonzola salads, AA had her calzone. Shopped at Publix for dinner - Chicken Piccata with spaghetti and broccoli.

Quick nap time!
Tuesday: Been waking up at 5:30 a.m. - wish I could sleep later! Donna cleaned our home, went to Sweet Sensation for their Outlaw Chicken Salad - used for appetizer for the River House. Ford went to his radiation and PT. Another scorcher day! RH happy hour is a bit of a downer, Karrie came with olives, crackers, but somehow the conversation always turns to her. Kathy is not a fan of her taking over our time. We just know the dynamics change and we try to go with it, but seems to be different, and we all want to be welcoming to all who would like to hang out with us. Back home, watched America's Got Talent.
Wednesday: Daily radiation treatment; went to Publix for dinner ingredients; ate leftovers for lunch, AA went to the Magnolia Club house pool with Siyan's family - so hot - she baked for three hours. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner with Mia.
Thursday: Fourth of July! I baked a fruit clafoutis for our breakfast.
Ford and I participated in the Thursday Parkinson exercises (new guy Jim), I actually stayed through them all - didn't walk (way too hot). 
Once home, AA and I drove to Carolyn's to take the two patio chairs and the green round tablecloth. Since she had company, we did a quick drop off, short visit (we brought Ginger so she sniffed the house and bunny again, soon she will be staying there for two weeks). Lunch back home was two Chick Chicken Salad sandwiches with Ford eating the Sweet Sensation's outlaw chicken salad. 
I took a shower, organized the pantry (matched up all the reusable containers/threw out about 20!) while AA worked on her statistics - first big test over two weeks of material will be Saturday.
Ford cooked hamburgers for our 4th of July dinner, with Publix sides. Lots of fireworks to listen to in our neighborhood!
Friday: Happy Birthday to Ginger! See separate post.
Saturday: Slow day, Ford and I barely slept, so dragging. Did a load of wash, dishes, went to Publix for happy hour appetizer (cantaloup with mozzarella, basil and prosciutto ham) - River House happy hour odd again with Karrie taking over the conversations and it was HOT. Hugh, Maureen and Kathy arrived before us and selected an outside table, there was a breeze but a hot breeze. We talked about nothing important; and again, Ford and I were dragging. Back home, warmed up the leftover ribs with BBQ beans and Publix sides. We watched Episode 4 of the new Star Wars TV prequel show. Just relaxed while hoping for word about Terri - called rescue and is now at the Waterville hospital today - Chris will give us updates.
Sunday: Church, did not have to help with communion, as enough youth were there. Was able to talk to Terri briefly, at least she is keeping food down now. Baked blueberry galette - delicious - and we ate the entire pie.
I partially used this recipe from Valerie Bertinelli's blackberry galatte:
3 cups fresh blackberries
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon orange zest plus 1 tablespoon orange juice
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 large egg (I used milk, brushed on pastry edges, then sprinkled with sugar). 1 refrigerated pie crust
Vanilla ice cream, for serving, optional
Bake at 400 degrees, for 25 to 30 minutes. (The juice may ooze from the edges of the pie crust, this is totally normal.) 
I repacked Larry/Charlotte's glasses (going to Hilary) into two smaller boxes (Terri originally packed them in one large box).

Talked to Mom and she texted pictures of Chloe's fun on LSL. 
Leftovers for dinner. Quiet evening watching a new episode of Grant Chester. Plan to meet up with Leaa and Liv on Monday at IKEA for lunch.
Note about Maine visits: May want to look into these rental cabins, just north of Camden:

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