Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Senior Pictures Appointment - Leonard's

Alyzabeth and I drove to Phillips Highway to the Leonard's Studio for Senior Yearbook photos.
AA seemed a bit apprehensive - we needed to adjust the dress she wore as the straps would not slide off her shoulders. We paid the sitting fee for the required yearbook photo, the green robe photo and one casual inside photo. She chose a summer dress with her jean jacket against the wood background. We will get more photos in a month or two - with Ginger, at the Eagle Harbor sign, and maybe at the RH/Club Continental.
Overall, the appointment went well, crowded but they were very efficient and friendly, helpful. A DQ Blizzard was AA's reward!
I took a few photos, trying to be sneaky (other Mom's were doing the same). We will get the proofs in about a week. It's definitely real - she's a senior!

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