Sunday, June 02, 2024

Memorial Day and Last Week of School

Monday, May 27, was uneventful as I am/was still suffering from coughing, tingle throat, sinus congestion. AA studied, watched a Hobbit movie and had Laurie tutor in the evening. We did not go to Jesse's band "dock concert" on the intercoastal, plus 96 degrees outside. Homemade biscuits and Ford grilled steaks for our dinner along with store bought potato salad and cole-slaw.

Tuesday: Half-day at school - AA had her final biology lab and still will have the AICE Biology Final on June 11th. AA went with us to Ford's radiation treatment - so she can take him some days this summer. We went to the River House renewal party, chatted with Hugh, Maureen, Kathy and Karrie; ate delicious food prepared by Kelly (tortellini, meatballs in mushroom sauce, shrimp and risotto, etc). Shannon announced her marriage to Tony. Michelle is over in Paris, enjoying the Post Malone concert at the Louvre.
Lunch was leftover pinto beans, sushi for AA; dinner was salad with leftover steak (I ate plenty at the renewal party, so no dinner for me).
Leaa sent Liv's graduation photo:
Laureen Burke (AA's Spanish Tutor) announcing Isabel's HS graduation:
And 13 years ago - so cute!
Wednesday: Half-day at school and two more finals. Radiation was at 11:00 a.m. and was cancelled due to machine not working. I baked bacon - tried the method in the oven, which was very easy, not sure why I don't bake it all the time, the fry pan is so messy! I tried 375 degrees for 20 minutes (parchment lined cookie sheet), it needed just a few more. Then tried 400 degrees, and 15 minutes not quite enough. Depends on if you want very crispy or slightly undercooked to use for later.
We have not settled into any routine, once school is out, will begin working on Larry's boxes, doing some Ancestry and one fun things with AA - she still has her SAT this Saturday, college classes and the Biology final to study for. I did a mini-clean out of Ford's clothes (only one portion of his closet), did laundry. Walked Ginger a few times. We had salad and other leftovers for lunch. I went to Publix then prepped for the homemade nachos. I did manage to book an Airbnb in St. Augustine for early August and a Marriott hotel in North Conway for mid-July.
Thursday: Half-day at school and last day of her Junior year. She's a rising Senior! And has a cold! Ford cooked blackened salmon for dinner and I made the "bag" cole slaw. We didn't do much, watching TV as the 34 counts of guilty came out on Trump (yeah!). 
Friday: I cancelled my lunch plans with Sharon as I feel bad, still thinking I have a sinus infection and now AA has a cold!! I took Ford to his PT appointment (walked 3000 steps). Then took Ford to his radiation treatment, walked 1100 steps. We went to the Spring Park Coffee shop (letting AA nap), enjoyed a lemonade and unsweet tea.
Carolyn has her three-day weekend, did not visit while AA has a cold. Ford and I went to the RH for a drink, while AA slept on the couch, I am hoping she feels a little better tomorrow for her SAT. 
We had BLT's for dinner (trying for lighter meals); AA had onion on hers, just like her Nana Joy. Off to bed early!
Saturday: June 1st (E-E's birthday). AA took the SAT test at FIHS with her cold and survived! 
I vacuumed and ran to Publix, then made mango salsa for our RH happy hour appetizer, also a favorite of AA's. I actually napped for two hours, unheard of! Hoping I am over my virus/whatever I had. Happy hour was nice, a river breeze and only 81 degrees! 
We picked up two Mojo-Q salads to share for our dinner, still had one left over, we are eating less and less at night (which is good). After a Ginger walk, some TV, off to bed early (again).
Sunday: I set up church hospitality, took fig newtons, raisin cinnamon bread with cream cheese, pimento cheese sliders and strawberries, plus napkins, plates and half and half.
Planning meals and our new summer daily schedule. with daily radiation, I have to figure out how to work on the household tasks I want to accomplish. I need to send a final box to Laurel Bradley Webster, start selling Larry's valuables, declutter my house (one closet/room at a time), work on yard tasks: the back ditch, plant more flowers, more mulch, sand in the brick pavers, etc. Plus work on Ford's genealogy, plan a trip to Ireland. So many things on my list - this is just a few of many items! A quiet weekend as AA is sick-ish, she's been working on her college summer class and studying for her AICE Biology final.
Ford and I drove to St. Augustine Outlet Mall - I bought three Chico shirts; we had one beer at Ancient City Brewery and watched an old Jeopardy episode with Ken Jennings - 20 years ago! I watched PBS All Creatures Great and Small (last season's). AA showered, and to bed!

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