Sunday, June 30, 2024

Week of June 24th thru Sunday

Monday: Radiation again, daily, the drove to Publix to get bruschetta ingredients for Mia's dinner tonight. We made do with leftovers in the refrigerator for lunch (no one is happy about that choice!). AA began her first Statistics college class today - she worked on three lessons - hope she understands it all! 
Visited with Mia at the Middleburg (1208 Whipstick Trail) home, Ginger got to play in a large yard but Geo (deaf, large dog) would not leave Ginger alone, even jumping on her to play - Ginger would have none of it! Ginger ended up in the bathroom, barking constantly (put Geo outside for a while but it is hot outside - 101 degrees!). 
I took bruschetta fixings; Mia made an Olive Garden salad with croutons, but did not eat the bread sticks as I made the bruschetta. Mia bought desserts made by a client - Red Velvet in a mason jar, cars, all delicious - so we were too full! 
Will help her move her things to the St. Augustine address this Saturday morning.
Mom texted photos of a flock of Canadian Geese in front of her home/camp (LSL), at least 18:
TuesdayWe slept pretty good; I baked a pound of bacon, need to remember to bake it on a parchment lined cookie sheet as that is so easy, compared to frying in a fry pan and splatterings! 
We drove to Ford’s daily radiation treatment, and then took a chance that I could get him in for a pedicure and manicure at Salina Nails. He was able to get in and after an hour had pretty toes and fingers; I plan to do this every couple of months, need to remember to put it on our schedule. During his pedicure, I bought us a lemonade and a passion, unsweet tea which made the time pass. Back at home, picked up Alyzabeth and ate at Maple Street biscuit for lunch. Alyzabeth had the Sticky Maple chicken biscuit, my usual The Farmer and Ford had the Firebird. 
We had a few minutes before heading over to the Thrasher-Horn auditorium to watch Dylan perform her Dolly Parton dance at the Ignite Nationals. She did a wonderful job and I videoed it. 
Then we rushed off to Ford physical therapy appointment and arrived five minutes late. I did a short walk, talked with Mom and Melissa on the phone, Alyzabeth was waiting for her ride, Kaylee and Siyan were picking her up to go to the rock climbing on Phillips highway.  I made a simple fruit dip with cream cheese and marshmallow fluff with strawberries, raspberries and blackberries to take to the River House (not a big hit as Erin, Hugh and Maureen were going out to dinner). A sweet treat not my usual savory treat. The day was so hot, yesterday was 101° and today was almost the same. It is sweltering outside and hard to do anything or take Ginger for a walk.  For dinner we warmed up leftovers, an Irish beef stew I made back in March, made fresh rice to go with it. AA and friends (Tyler will attend UF in Fall) ate at Chili's after their rock climbing.
Jacksonville Jaguar news: In a vote last night that surprised exactly no one, the Jacksonville City Council made it official with the Jacksonville Jaguars and (almost) unanimously approved $775 million in public money for stadium upgrades.
Wednesday: Daily radiation was completed - only nine more to go!
AA and I drove to Tallahassee after having lunch with Ford at our local deli - Separate post. Ford did well, he ate leftovers and slept with Ginger while we were gone.
Thursday: AA and I took the FSU tour at 8:45 a.m. Ford drove himself to the Parkinson exercise and we made it home in time to pick him up from his radiation treatment - so he could take his pill. We drove to Fresh Market - bought dinner. Also went to River House, invited Kathy, chatted about the Presidential debate tonight, Hugh and Maureen, FSU trip, etc. Sat inside as it was another HOT Florida summer day. We were disappointed with Biden's performance during the debate, not correcting Trump's lies, seemed sluggish - it was announced that he had a head cold. Doesn't matter as we are not voting for Trump.
Friday: Morning radiation, then I got my part 2 shingles shot (my arm hurts like crazy!), then Ford went to PT, 93 degrees, so did not walk much (spoke to Mom but she had Chloe, Andrew at the lake).
Drove AA to her new Southeast Orthopedic doctor, Dr. Patrick Jones (knee specialist and golfer). He stated that her prior surgery looked good, and in most cases will resolve the knee cap, pressure on it; however many it does not which requires another surgery. The prognosis is that her knee (patella) cap defect is not as large as usually required for the cartilage replacement surgery; the cartilage in storage is only good for four more years; the recovery is WORSE than what she had originally! Either way, he would like to scope her knee to see what it looks like now. She had a very sore knee after her European trip, her knee "crunches" when going up/downstairs. If the cartilage is going to keep wearing, what are the consequences of not having it done now?
Jesse's band One Good Ring played at the Murabella Mellow Mushroom we did not go (Nicole and Jordan did). We drove to Mia's new abode and helped her with assembling her bed, played with Leo and Geo. Dena Stolp's son Jordan was there, he works daily at a restaurant, Ford's garage. A storm came so no swimming in her new neighborhood pool. I was tired, aching, not feeling well so by 8:30 p.m., into my PJ's!
Saturday: My political statement for the day:
Ford had several hallucinations last night, so only slept a few hours. I was very achy and sore and a headache, I assume from the shingles second shot I got yesterday. Alyzabeth and I drove over to Mia‘s house in Middleburg to move her things to her new St. John’s address (near Buc-ees, off International Drive, Markland gated community). I took two aspirin and as the day went on, I felt better. Once we got everything packed up in our cars, I realized that we didn’t need Alyzabeth’s car as everything in her car could fit in my truck. So we transferred everything to the truck and she did not have to drive the hour over to St. John’s, she went home.  I unloaded with Mia got everything on her screen porch at the 114 Fremont address and we chatted for a while, took Geo on a walk to the lake. I got to see the fire pit area, tennis courts, pool and dock on the lake. Mia had a consultation appointment at a new salon, so I drove home and bought a Starbucks coffee to perk me up.  I also got gasoline at $3.12 per gallon, in Clay County it’s over $3.30 a gallon. Once home I took a shower and laid down for a two-hour nap - I slept briefly for part of it. We skipped our usual Saturday happy hour at the River House as I’m just worn out for the day already. It is very hot outside and just didn’t have the energy up to go there (again, assuming from the shingles shot). 
Ford and Alyzabeth made dumplings and fried rice for dinner. 
We watched a lot of the Paris Olympic trials for people to qualify for the US Olympic team. And then Ford said, let's go for ice cream! We drove to Maggie's - always a favorite - and it was crowded, but efficient and fast.
Sunday: Woke up early about 5:30, made a cup of coffee, worked on my laptop/emails, the blog. Didn’t have much sleep last night as Ford had another hallucination right before 1 a.m. I drove to church first buying 25 Dunkin’ Donuts munchkin holes to take for hospitality. I also got tagged for communion and will serve communion next Sunday too. It was another hot miserable day so we decided to walk at the Orange Park Mall, for lunch we had sushi rice bowls (separate post on Alyzabeth getting her ears pierced). 
At home, walked Ginger and had some quiet time. I watched two episodes of Grantchester of the new season, catching up. Then Alyzabeth and I watched two more episodes of Sanditon that was on masterpiece theater today and ate popcorn. We were full from lunch, so did not make dinner. In bed by 10!

Pierced Ears!

Alyzabeth has not been a big fan of jewelry (or makeup, fashion, etc.) so after years of asking "when" to get her ears pierced, she gave in last year and said yes. I didn't make the arrangements, just waiting for the right time. She agreed to it (not sure of my overly pressured-persuasion). With time on Sunday, I suggested we walk inside the Mall (air conditioned), have some lunch and get her ears done.
She selected the stainless-steel silver posts, also bought two other pairs to have once she can change out her earrings. She keeps the posts in for three weeks cleaning and turning them three times a day, then wears good earrings until six months is up.
The employee/very young lady was calm, kind, very efficient - while we were there, a six year old's ears were pierced, about six or seven customers were helped and paid for their purchase, attended to getting us ready (signing forms, reviewing after care instructions) - and she was the only employee in the store!
Now I can buy her earrings, an earring holder/organizer and she can wear the pearl earrings I bought for her (in China) in 2008. 
Love my daughter!!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Wednesday - Thursday - FSU College Tour

Wednesday, AA and I drove to Tallahassee to see the "town", get familiar with the FSU campus and have a good nights sleep, ready for the Thursday 8:30 a.m. tour.

Crowds boarding these FSU buses (No idea what was going on).
We arrived in town, drove around the State Capital building, then to the FSU campus to find the welcome center. AA wanted to check out a State Park - Maclay, just north of Tallahassee, 3540 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32309, A MASTERPIECE OF FLORAL ARCHITECTURE AND RICH HISTORY and the Maclay house. We enjoyed walking to the lake pavilion, to the house, the secret garden, the rows of camellias and azaleas.
After dinner at Pedros (near hotel - Courtyard Marriott); ate nachos loco/supreme:
We changed into bathing suits, enjoyed the pool, then showers, then push ups, then TV (not much selection) then BED! Hotel room - two full beds, separate LR, two TV's.
The tour was good, shortened due to a heat advisory, so did not see the common green and library. The Bellamy building is for AA's major (under pre-law/political science).
Model dorm room:
We agreed the campus is very nice, the city of Tallahassee is a step up from UF/Gainesville; UF wouldn't show us a dorm room, FSU did have a "model" for us to view. Overall academics probably equal, application process, scholarships, offer studying abroad, internships, 700+ clubs, etc. I think FSU may be a better fit for AA.
We drove home rather than continue exploring the city. Arrived home to pick up Ford from his appointment, AA drove her car home. All is well at home!