Sunday, August 15, 2021

Week of August 9th - 15th

Monday began with a quick run through of AA's school morning, she had breakfast, got dressed and we drove to her school to make sure we knew where the drop off area was. All good and Ginger was along for the ride.
Lunch at Sweet Sensations (take-out) after buying AA a new 2021-2022 planner for school.
River House, enjoyed our usual happy Hour (AA stayed home after her golf practice). Golf team practice, all seems fine.
Tuesday: First day of school! See the separate post on her first day as a freshman.
Wednesday, worked at NGS. We enjoyed leftover pork tacos (again) for dinner.
Thursday, I worked at NGS again. Ford made blackened salmon with beans and asparagus.
Friday the 13th! Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary. AA went to school. I worked at home, made potato salad and broccoli slaw for dinner sides this weekend. AA had her "qualifying" for the FIHS Girls Golf Team. Then she had a golf lesson with Coach Bryan, a little practice for the DCP.
Saturday, 14th: Ford and AA left for the Drive Chip and Putt (separate post). I made a batch of Sharon Redmond Grover's molasses ginger cookies, recipe from her Mom, Jan. They came out great, nice spice flavor. I made a dozen into ice cream sandwich cookies for AA.
Recipe: Makes very small cookies (one inch balls that do not spread much).
It poured rain for an hour with heavy lightening! I went out to do a few errand, then back home. I baked Nana Joy's chocolate sheet cake. We went to the RH with cookies and cake in hand. for dinner I made grilled cheese sandwiches with our two homemade sides.
Sunday, I made my delicious clafoutis for breakfast with blackberries:
We visited with Leaa, Liv and Dylan, brought them the two Mount Vernon T-shirts. We chatted about school and Justin being really sick with COVID (now much better). We went to see Penny, did a driveway chat and then to Maggie's' for AA's favorite mint-chocolate chip (at 8:00 p.m.!!). 
Maggie's Ice Cream - First Week of School - Done! And done very well by AA!
Lunch at Ancient Brewery.
Christmas gifts from Marsha and Carl, Leaa found in her closet, was to give the to us!
Back home we ate a little broccoli slaw and somehow ended up a late night going to bed for us!

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