Saturday, March 02, 2019

E-E's Blooming Clivia Plant and Grapefruit Tree

E-E's plant is blooming better than ever!
Clivia Plant. ... I looked it up (again as I always forget) - the trumpet or lily shaped flowers of a Clivia Plant are 2-3″ in size and can be orange, orange/red, yellow, or cream colored. Clivia flowers appear as a dense cluster of 15-20 small blooms at the end of a long stem.

Now that we are leaving our citrus trees are growing well and producing fruit. We had our first limes this year, grapefruit from our "cocktail" tree, plus oranges. The new owner will now enjoy lots of fruit in the coming years.
The house came with a banana tree which did not last long, Carolyn bought us one which is still alive, but with the cold winter weather in NE Florida, banana trees usually do not grow to full maturity. We will leave the banana tree behind too. We love our little home so many good things about it and the neighborhood. We are betting we will like our new home and neighborhood even better!

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