Saturday, February 16, 2019

River House Saturday Visit

We met Hugh and Maureen's daughter Erin on Saturday evening. We were a bit frazzled as I worked and with two house showings, Ford was on edge too. We did sign a contract on our home which was offer #2. Offer #1 didn't accept our final counter offer.
Any picture we have taken at the river house does not come out well due to the very low lighting. This is the best we could do (Trish took our group photo).
Kathy, Erin, her Dad Hugh, Mom Maureen, Penny in front, then Ford and myself with AA behind me:

The color is different as I tried to lighten and define the picture, maybe better, maybe not! 
It was good to meet Erin, you could pick her out of a crowd as she resembles her parents!

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