Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week of January 20th and NFJG SJGCC Cancelled During Play!

A quick recap of the week!
We drove to Cathy and Werner's to pick up AA's Christmas gift from Kilee/Justin. We visited with Nicole and Jordan and AA played with Avery and Mila. Werner performed a few magic tricks, and we did sip some wine too. Always a nice time at Cathy's.
Monday was the NFJG Tournament, then a chilly visit at the River House, our usual Monday happy hour.
Tuesday, a golf lesson and then Wednesday AA had math club and a round of nine holes with Ms. Penny. It was beautiful weather, so decided to have a glass of wine on the River House deck BUT it was chilly once the sun went down. Cold weather is coming with low's in the 30's for a week! Ford made a new shrimp recipe, pasta and sauce, made with sweet chili sauce; we decided it was too sweet, would be good made with regular chili sauce.
Thursday morning brought 1.5 inches of rain in 3 hours, but drier and sunny in the afternoon.
After school, AA and her Daddy selected new glasses; AA picked ones with gray metal, more square, with a twist detail on the side. AA said she liked them, very cool. Then to Target to buy another pair of leggings/stretchy slacks for winter and then to Mr. Story, AA's math tutor.
Ford made homemade pizza, always a favorite.
Friday, AA played a practice round at St. Johns Golf and Country Club, her next NFJG tournament is there, on Sunday.
Saturday I worked at SJRPP, the 26th.
Sunday turned out wet and COLD. AA played until the 8th hole and then the tournament was suspended and then cancelled. So miserable for the players! We have had many mild winter days but Sundays have been frigid!

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