Saturday, November 03, 2018

Missing Family Events - Photos to Remember

This past week, Livi was in a school play called one hundred dresses on Thursday 11/01/18; Kilee went to her first homecoming dance in 9th grade on Saturday and Leaa and Jesse celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary at a neighborhood party also on Saturday evening.
AA had a two-day golf tournament at the Slammer and Squire so we didn't travel to any evening functions. She had to leave the house at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday and 5:30 a.m. on Sunday! Because of that, she was able to attend a local school-mate's birthday party, Ian Bailey Saturday after her game (no photos taken - the kids played at his house, watched a movie).
Livi in her play (photos by Leaa):

Neighborhood/Family 15th Anniversary Party:
Livi baked a cake for her parents:
Kilee's Homecoming photos (by Kelly):
And a photo from Leaa's 20th High School reunion with Talisha:
A fun week for the family!

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