Saturday, August 25, 2018

Drive Chip and Putt 2018 (for April 2019)

AA made the top three at the Drive Chip Putt Local Qualifying and played in the Sub-regional, Saturday, August 25th. She did fairly well with her drives being the most improved. She missed a chip and made two hole in one on the putting. Next year, she will be in this same group 12-13 year old. In order to move up to the Regional, she needed to be in the top two spots. She placed 5th.
Putting practice:

Walking with her Daddy from the "Drive" to the "Chip" area:
Ms. Penny watching as AA chips:
AA with her 2nd place medal for the "Drive"!!
All 12-13 year old Girls who received an award.
Will keep entering each year until she is 14 (that will make her the oldest eligible 15 in April of the following year) - only three more tries to make it to Augusta!

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