Sunday, April 15, 2018

Miscellaneous April! Birthday and School

I am behind keeping the blog current. So this is a catch up post while I write separate posts about Livi's theatrical debut in Cinderella, the Clay County Fair and the Colonial Williamsburg U.S. Kids Golf Regional.Tournament.
Since Ford and Alyzabeth were away, my birthday was with Carolyn and MIL Joy in Okeechobee. We always relax and enjoy our weekends with Joy.
This visit was a little different as we rarely eat out, however a local restaurant gives free meals on your birthday! So we took advantage of that offer for lunch on Saturday. Carolyn's birthday was Sunday and we swam in the pool again, Joy baked a quiche and we packed and headed on the road. We did hit a strong thunderstorm, but didn't last too long.
Showing Carolyn Lake Okeechobee:

Heading to the pool on Joy's golf cart:
 Pool time!
Kilee's 8th grade prom!!
Windy spring, at the River House, flags at half-mast for former First Lady Barbara Bush.
The banana tree Carolyn gave us is coming to life, we thought it died, after our cold winter.
My herbs are doing well. I did lose a few basil bushes over the winter, but this sage and basil are in bloom!
For my birthday, AA gave me a Metro Diner gift card and Hubby Ford gave me a new watch, a jewelry case and a new Starbucks coffee canister. Love them all!
AA received her class photo - 5th grade!! Shes smiling!
Always busy, at home and work, so not blogging as much. I do well some weeks and not so great these past few weeks.

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