Sunday, July 24, 2016

PGA Jr. Competition - Season Ended - Banquet at Eagle Harbor! And MVP!!

This was the first time AA played on a PGA Jr. Team. We love the Eagle Harbor Golf Course and Staff, so decided to play and check out the concept. It works very well so that players of all levels can have fun. 
From Facebook:  AA's first time playing in a PGA Jr. Team competition has ended. The end of season banquet was tonight at Eagle Harbor Golf, hosted by Coach Bryan M. Kipnis and Ryan. Coach Bryan wrapped up the season and presented awards and announced who will be on the All-Star Team. I'll let the photos tell you who was awarded the MVP!! A fun time for everyone, delicious food and desserts brought in by the families (the Mawhinney family brought in a dessert for us, helping us out so I didn't have to worry about that with everything going on - Thanks Kerri!). The Jackson Family provided golf themed decorations - all great!

Tyler will do just about anything to get away from my camera!
The statistics:
Playing outside afterwards (in 90+ heat):
Running back to the EH Club House:
Coach Bryan:
The All-Star team!
We enjoyed playing and meeting lots of new families!

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