Sunday, November 01, 2015

November 1, 2015 Post-Halloween and Fall Back Time Change

The day after Halloween was also the "Fall Back" time change. Aunt Carolyn came over and we walked to OPUMC church 8:00 a.m. service. We had a small brunch made up of eggs, veggies and BBQ pork (leftovers); I had to improvise as didn't go grocery shopping while Ford was gone.
AA sorted her candy into a pile she will not eat (Carolyn got that pile to take to the library as teen treats), a pile for her Daddy, a pile to put away for later, and there was still a TON of great candy left. With a one piece per day rule, this could go on until Valentine's Day!

Carolyn also mentioned about cooking the pumpkins. I have done this in the past with not so great results. I came across a do-ahead breakfast french-toast casserole that used pumpkin butter in it. So I cooked a pumpkin and followed the recipe. It turned out less than stellar! Not sure I am going to use it, too much cinnamon and not enough sugar! Pumpkin is not sweet like when making apple butter! I did eat some spread on toast, but not a favorite or keeper recipe! Baking the pumpkin first so I can cut off the outer rind/peeling.
Pumpkin cooking; I had to strain it and mash it; very stringy:
I didn't take a photo of the end result - looks like apple butter - very brown.
After Carolyn left, AA and I chatted about what to do. Since the high ended up being over 90 degrees outside, we ruled out going to the Zoo or other outside activity except - the POOL!
From Facebook: 87 degrees outside and sunny; so we jumped in the (unheated) pool! Swimming Fun!
I had bought a wet suit from Goodwill so wore it when I first jumped in; but soon peeled it off! We had fun!
Enjoying the cooler Florida weather even though it is still in the 80's during the day!

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