Friday, September 04, 2015

Third Grade - First ES Assignment - I Shrunk my Summer Vacation!

Alyzabeth's school assignment for her first ES class was to make two - four "triorama's" about her summer break! Now that makes a parent shudder! She thought up several good times from the past summer and we brainstormed an idea/scene for each, then scavenged around the house for "3-D" objects... on and on!
So we "shrunk" a scene from Maine, visiting family on Little Sebago Lake including a Sea-doo, waves and plenty of lobster to eat. Second was her Golfing Tournaments including her U.S. Kids Golf Carolinas State win and placing 18th in the "World's". Third was 4th of July with Aunt Carolyn, fireworks and their fake sparkly tattoos.

The golf triorama included her photo from the Worlds (Pinehurst), a medal from the local Summer Jacksonville Tour, a foam "green" with ball and marker, plus a hole flag. The word "birdie" is a favorite as her goal last year was to make one in every tournament.
Looking down on the three she made:
Tin foil was the "fireworks" for her 4th of July scene along with an American USA flag.
The Maine triorama included photos of her on Nana's Sea-doo with Aunti M (Melissa), along with a Lobster stuffed animal from her bed collection, Lego picnic table and Lego sea-doo.
We got them done and hopefully made the grade!

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